using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using DSALibv.Auxiliary.Calculator; namespace DSALib.Auxiliary.Calculator { /// /// The StringSolver divides the calculation string into operations and SubStringSolvers if the string contains /// parentheses /// public class StringSolver : ISolvable { private readonly List arguments = new List(); private readonly string input; public StringSolver(string input) { this.input = input; } public int Solve() { var workInput = "0+" + input.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower(); workInput = ExpandParentheses(workInput); // Create a List of the different parts of the calculation, e.g.:{"0", "+", "(5+6)", "d", "3"}. AtomizeOperations(workInput); // traverse the List in order of Operation to Create the binary operation tree . NestOperations(); // the List now contains only the top operation node, witch can be solved recursively, return ((ISolvable) arguments.First()).Solve(); } public override string ToString() { return "(0+" + input.Replace(" ", string.Empty).ToLower() + ")"; } private static string GetInner(ref string input) // extract the inner bracket an remove the section from the input string { var depth = 0; for (var index = 1; index < input.Length; index++) { var c = input[index]; switch (c) { case '(': depth++; break; case ')': if (depth == 0) { var split = input.Substring(1, index - 1); input = input.Substring(index + 1); return split.Equals(string.Empty) ? "0" : split; } else { depth--; } break; } } return string.Empty; } private static Ops GetOps(char c) { switch (c) { case 'd': case 'w': return Ops.Dice; case '+': return Ops.Add; case '-': return Ops.Subtract; case '*': return Ops.Multiply; default: return Ops.Multiply; } } private static string ExpandParentheses(string input) // insert * between Parentheses and digits { for (var i = 0; i < input.Length - 1; i++) if (input[i + 1] == '(' && char.IsNumber(input[i])) input = input.Insert(i + 1, "*"); for (var i = 1; i < input.Length; i++) if (input[i - 1] == ')' && char.IsNumber(input[i])) input = input.Insert(i, "*"); return input; } private void AtomizeOperations(string workInput) { for (var index = 0; index < workInput.Length; index++) { var c = workInput[index]; if (char.IsNumber(c)) { // if char number, check if at end of string, else continue looping if (index == workInput.Length - 1) // if at end of string; add remaining number to arguments arguments.Add(new Argument(workInput.Substring(0, index + 1))); continue; } switch (c) { case ')': throw new ArgumentException("Unmögliche Anordnung von Klammern"); case '(': arguments.Add(new StringSolver(GetInner(ref workInput))); index = -1; break; default: if (index > 0) arguments.Add(new Argument(workInput.Substring(0, index))); arguments.Add(GetOps(c)); workInput = workInput.Remove(0, index + 1); index = -1; break; } } } private void NestOperations() { foreach (Ops currentOp in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Ops))) // cycle through operators in operational order for (var index = 0; index < arguments.Count; index++) { var arg = arguments[index]; if (arg.GetType() != typeof(Ops)) continue; // arg is of type Ops var op = (Ops) arg; if (op != currentOp) continue; // arg describes the current operation HandleSpecialFormatting(ref index, op); // Deal with special needs... // replace the previous current and next Element in the List with one Operation object var temp = new Operator((ISolvable) arguments[index - 1], (ISolvable) arguments[index + 1], op); arguments[index - 1] = temp; arguments.RemoveRange(index, 2); index--; } } private void HandleSpecialFormatting(ref int index, Ops op) { var arg1 = arguments[index - 1]; if (arg1.GetType() == typeof(Ops)) { if (op == Ops.Dice) arguments.Insert(index++, new Argument("1")); // w6 -> 1w6 if (op == Ops.Subtract) arguments.Insert(index++, new Argument("0")); // +-3 -> +0-3 } var arg2 = arguments[index + 1]; // 3+-5 -> 3+(0-5) if (arg2.GetType() == typeof(Ops)) { arguments[index + 1] = new Operator(new Argument("0"), (ISolvable) arguments[index + 2], (Ops) arg2); arguments.RemoveAt(index + 2); } } } }