using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; namespace DiscoBot { public class Char { public string name; //charname public Dictionary eigenschaften = new Dictionary(); //char porperties public List talente = new List(); //ist of talent objects (talents and spells) public List kampftalente = new List(); //list of combat objects public Dictionary Proptable = new Dictionary(); //KK -> Körperkraft public Char(String path ) { Load(path); //load } private void Load(string path) { XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(path); while (reader.Read()) //read until he hits keywords { if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) switch (reader.Name) { case "held": name = reader.GetAttribute("name"); //name break; case "eigenschaft": eigenschaften.Add(reader.GetAttribute("name"), Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("value")) + Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("mod"))); break; case "talentliste": reader.Read(); while (reader.Name.Equals("talent")) { talente.Add(new Talent(reader.GetAttribute("name"), reader.GetAttribute("probe").Remove(0, 2).Trim(')'), Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("value")))); reader.Read(); } break; case "zauberliste": reader.Read(); while (reader.Name.Equals("zauber")) { talente.Add(new Talent(reader.GetAttribute("name"), reader.GetAttribute("probe").Remove(0, 2).Trim(')'), Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("value")))); reader.Read(); } break; case "kampfwerte": string atname = reader.GetAttribute("name"); reader.Read(); int at = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("value")); reader.Read(); int pa = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetAttribute("value")); kampftalente.Add(new Kampf(atname, at, pa)); break; } } Proptable.Add("MU", "Mut"); //routing Proptable.Add("KL", "Klugheit"); Proptable.Add("IN", "Intuition"); Proptable.Add("CH", "Charisma"); Proptable.Add("FF", "Fingerfertigkeit"); Proptable.Add("GE", "Gewandtheit"); Proptable.Add("KO", "Konstitution"); Proptable.Add("KK", "Körperkraft"); } public string TestTalent(string talent) //Talentprobe { var output = new StringBuilder(); var ttalentlist = talente.Select(v => v.CheckName(talent)).ToList(); //find the talent int error = ttalentlist.Min(); var ttalent = talente[ttalentlist.IndexOf(error)]; var props = ttalent.Test(); //get the required properties int tap = ttalent.value; //get tap output.AppendFormat("{0} {1} taw:{2} error: \n",,ttalent.probe,ttalent.value,error); for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) //foreach property, dice and tap { int temp = dice.Roll(); int eigenschaft = eigenschaften[Proptable[props[i]]]; if (eigenschaft < temp) tap -= temp - eigenschaft; output.Append(temp + " "); //add to string } output.AppendFormat("tap: {0}",tap); if (error == 100) return talent + " nicht gefunden!"; return output.ToString(); //return output } public string Angriff(string talent) //prety self explanetory { var output = new StringBuilder(); var attack = kampftalente.Find(x =>; int tap =; output.AppendFormat("{0}-Angriff taw:{1} \n",, tap); int temp = dice.Roll(); output.Append(temp ); return output.ToString(); } public string Parade(string talent) { var output = new StringBuilder(); var attack = kampftalente.Find(x =>; int tap =; output.AppendFormat("{0}-Parade taw:{1} \n",, tap); int temp = dice.Roll(); output.Append(temp); return output.ToString(); } public string Fernkampf(string talent,int erschwernis=0) { var output = new StringBuilder(); int fk = eigenschaften["fk"]; var attack = talente.Find(v =>; int tap = attack.value ; output.AppendFormat("{0} taw:{1} erschwernis:{2} \n",, tap,erschwernis); tap -= erschwernis; int temp = dice.Roll(); tap -= temp>fk?temp-fk:0; output.Append(temp + " tap:" + tap); return output.ToString(); } } }