using System.Linq; namespace DiscoBot.Commands { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DiscoBot.Auxiliary; using Discord.Commands; using Newtonsoft.Json; using CommandInfo = DiscoBot.Auxiliary.CommandInfo; public class Help : ModuleBase { static Help() { TextReader stream = new StreamReader(@"..\..\Help.json"); // Load command-description file var reader = new JsonTextReader(stream); // create stream reader reader.Read(); // step into structure, until the array starts reader.Read(); reader.Read(); try { var test = new JsonSerializer().Deserialize>(reader); // Deserialize Data and create CommandInfo Struct Commands.AddRange(test); // Add new CommandInfos to List } catch (Exception e) { // ignored } } public static List Commands { get; } = new List(); public static string Get_Specific_Help(string command) { // return command specific help var com = Commands.OrderBy(x => SpellCorrect.CompareEasy(x.Name, command.ToLower())).First(); // get best fit command return com.GetDescription(); } [Command("help"), Summary("prints the help menu.")] [Alias("Help", "man", "Man")] public async Task ShowHelpAsync(string command = "") { if (command.Equals(string.Empty)) // return generic Help { string res = ""; foreach (var com in Commands) { res += "!" + com.Name + ": " + com.Brief; if (com.Description.Length > 1) { res += "\n\t(!man " + com.Name + " gibt genauere Informationen)"; } res += "\n"; } //await this.ReplyAsync("```\n[hilfreiche Erklärungen]\nAuflistung aller Commands mit !list commands\n```"); await this.ReplyAsync("```xl\n" + res +"\n```"); return; } // return command specific help //var com = Commands.OrderBy(x => SpellCorrect.CompareEasy(x.Name, command.ToLower())).First(); // get best fit command //await this.ReplyAsync("```xl\n" + com.GetDescription() + "\n```"); await this.ReplyAsync("```xl\n" + Get_Specific_Help(command) + "\n```"); } } }