namespace DiscoBot.Commands { using Discord.Commands; public class Man : ModuleBase //public class Man : ModuleBase { //Help for !LE command public string Man_LE() //public async Task Man_AE() { string res = ""; res += "Use !LE to display, set, or change LE value\n\n"; res += " !LE Display values\n"; res += " !LE 30 Set LE to 30\n"; res += " !LE +5 Increment LE by 5 (up to the maximum)\n"; res += " !LE ++5 Increment LE by 5 (ignoring the maximum)\n"; res += " !LE -5 Decrease LE by 5\n"; res += " \n"; return res; //await this.ReplyAsync("```xl\n" + res + "\n```"); } //Help for !AE command public string Man_AE() { string res = ""; res += "Use !AE (or !Asp) to display, set, or change AE/Asp value\n\n"; res += " !AE Display values\n"; res += " !AE 30 Set Asp to 30\n"; res += " !AE +5 Increment Asp by 5 (up to the maximum)\n"; res += " !AE ++5 Increment Asp by 5 (ignoring the maximum)\n"; res += " !AE -5 Decrease Asp by 5 (down to 0)\n"; res += " \n"; return res; } } }