namespace DiscoBot.Commands { using System.Threading.Tasks; using DiscoBot.Auxiliary; using Discord.Commands; public class MiscCommands : ModuleBase { [Command("r"), Summary("Würfelt ")] [Alias("R", "Roll", "roll", "Würfle")] public Task RollAsync([Remainder, Summary("Weapon")] string roll) { return this.ReplyAsync("```xl\n" + RandomMisc.Roll(roll) + "\n```"); } [Command("general"), Summary("Set General ")] public Task SetGeneralAsync([Remainder, Summary("Set General")] int i = 0) { Dsa.GeneralContext = this.Context; return this.Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"```xl\n Der Dachs hat in '{this.Context.Channel.Name}' ein Zuhause gefunden. Gm Nachrichten werden nun auch in diesem Channel gepostet. \n```"); } [Command("say"), Summary("Echos a message.")] [Alias("s")] public Task SayAsync([Remainder, Summary("The text to echo")] string echo) { return this.ReplyAsync(echo); } [Command("spot"), Summary("Echos a message.")] [Alias("spotify")] public Task SpotiAsync([Remainder, Summary("The text to echo")] string echo) { var test = new Spotify.WebClient(); return this.ReplyAsync(string.Join("\n", test.GetPlaylist(""))); } } }