FROM microsoft/dotnet:sdk AS build-env MAINTAINER Dennis Kobert # Install cgit #RUN git clone git:// && mkdir DiscoBot/app && cp DiscoBot/dsa/*.sln DiscoBot/app/ #WORKDIR /DiscoBot/app #RUN ls -la && dotnet restore # Copy everything else and build #RUN cp -r ../DSACore/ ../app && dotnet publish -c Release -o out RUN git clone git:// && cd DiscoBot/dsa && dotnet restore WORKDIR /DiscoBot/DSACore # Copy everything else and build RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o out # Build runtime image FROM microsoft/dotnet:aspnetcore-runtime WORKDIR /app/ COPY Token ./ COPY --from=build-env /DiscoBot/DSACore/out . COPY --from=build-env /DiscoBot/DSACore/Properties ./Properties RUN ls /app/Properties #RUN cp -r /DiscoBot/DSACore/Properties ./ ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "DSACore.dll"]