NAME = 'cupido' TOKEN_ENV_VAR = 'DISCORD_TOKEN' COMMAND_PREFIX = '!<3 ' GAME_STATUS = 'with love' HELP_TEXT = f'''{NAME.title()} - your partner for getting shuffled. {NAME.title()} is a discord bot to get to know your people. This software is open-source ! ''' CATEGORY_CHANNEL_NAME = NAME.title() LOBBY_CHANNEL_NAME = 'lobby' LOBBY_CHANNEL_TOPIC = "You wanna get shuffled? You're at the right place!" # time that one loop cycle needs (in seconds) DEFAULT_LOOP_TIME = 120 # time that cycles, that "loop" passes DEFAULT_LOOP_COUNT = 3 EMOJI_POOL = ['👾', '🤖', '👻', '🦧', '🍴', '🎮', '🎷', '😈', '🦄', '🐮', '🌻', '🐘', '🍕', '🦉'] PANEL_TITLE = f'{NAME.title()} control panel' PANEL_TEXT = ''' You have the choice! If you think, there are imposters among us, add a reaction with the corresponding emoji:'''