macro_rules! bot_name { () => { "Cupido" }; } pub const TOKEN_ENV: &str = "DISCORD_TOKEN"; pub const GLOBAL_COMMAND_PREFIX: &str = "!<3"; pub const META_CHANNEL_NAME: &str = concat!(bot_name!(), " Shuffler"); pub const META_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION: &str = concat!("All channels related to ", bot_name!()); pub const LOBBY_CHANNEL_NAME: &str = "lobby"; pub const LOBBY_CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION: &str = "You wanna get shuffled? You're at the right place!"; pub const HELP_TEXT: &str = concat!( bot_name!(), " - your partner for getting shuffled. ", bot_name!(), " is a discord bot to get to know your people. This software is open-source !" );