path: root/tools/perf/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/perf/scripts')
4 files changed, 2130 insertions, 341 deletions
diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index b494a67a1c67..000000000000
--- a/tools/perf/scripts/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-# create call-graph from sql database
-# Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Intel Corporation.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
-# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
-# more details.
-# To use this script you will need to have exported data using either the
-# or the script. Refer to those
-# scripts for details.
-# Following on from the example in the export scripts, a
-# call-graph can be displayed for the pt_example database like this:
-# python tools/perf/scripts/python/ pt_example
-# Note that for PostgreSQL, this script supports connecting to remote databases
-# by setting hostname, port, username, password, and dbname e.g.
-# python tools/perf/scripts/python/ "hostname=myhost username=myuser password=mypassword dbname=pt_example"
-# The result is a GUI window with a tree representing a context-sensitive
-# call-graph. Expanding a couple of levels of the tree and adjusting column
-# widths to suit will display something like:
-# Call Graph: pt_example
-# Call Path Object Count Time(ns) Time(%) Branch Count Branch Count(%)
-# v- ls
-# v- 2638:2638
-# v- _start 1 10074071 100.0 211135 100.0
-# |- unknown unknown 1 13198 0.1 1 0.0
-# >- _dl_start 1 1400980 13.9 19637 9.3
-# >- _d_linit_internal 1 448152 4.4 11094 5.3
-# v-__libc_start_main@plt ls 1 8211741 81.5 180397 85.4
-# >- _dl_fixup 1 7607 0.1 108 0.1
-# >- __cxa_atexit 1 11737 0.1 10 0.0
-# >- __libc_csu_init ls 1 10354 0.1 10 0.0
-# |- _setjmp 1 0 0.0 4 0.0
-# v- main ls 1 8182043 99.6 180254 99.9
-# Points to note:
-# The top level is a command name (comm)
-# The next level is a thread (pid:tid)
-# Subsequent levels are functions
-# 'Count' is the number of calls
-# 'Time' is the elapsed time until the function returns
-# Percentages are relative to the level above
-# 'Branch Count' is the total number of branches for that function and all
-# functions that it calls
-import sys
-from PySide.QtCore import *
-from PySide.QtGui import *
-from PySide.QtSql import *
-from decimal import *
-class TreeItem():
- def __init__(self, db, row, parent_item):
- self.db = db
- self.row = row
- self.parent_item = parent_item
- self.query_done = False;
- self.child_count = 0
- self.child_items = []
- = ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
- self.comm_id = 0
- self.thread_id = 0
- self.call_path_id = 1
- self.branch_count = 0
- self.time = 0
- if not parent_item:
- self.setUpRoot()
- def setUpRoot(self):
- self.query_done = True
- query = QSqlQuery(self.db)
- ret = query.exec_('SELECT id, comm FROM comms')
- if not ret:
- raise Exception("Query failed: " + query.lastError().text())
- while
- if not query.value(0):
- continue
- child_item = TreeItem(self.db, self.child_count, self)
- self.child_items.append(child_item)
- self.child_count += 1
- child_item.setUpLevel1(query.value(0), query.value(1))
- def setUpLevel1(self, comm_id, comm):
- self.query_done = True;
- self.comm_id = comm_id
-[0] = comm
- self.child_items = []
- self.child_count = 0
- query = QSqlQuery(self.db)
- ret = query.exec_('SELECT thread_id, ( SELECT pid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id ), ( SELECT tid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id ) FROM comm_threads WHERE comm_id = ' + str(comm_id))
- if not ret:
- raise Exception("Query failed: " + query.lastError().text())
- while
- child_item = TreeItem(self.db, self.child_count, self)
- self.child_items.append(child_item)
- self.child_count += 1
- child_item.setUpLevel2(comm_id, query.value(0), query.value(1), query.value(2))
- def setUpLevel2(self, comm_id, thread_id, pid, tid):
- self.comm_id = comm_id
- self.thread_id = thread_id
-[0] = str(pid) + ":" + str(tid)
- def getChildItem(self, row):
- return self.child_items[row]
- def getParentItem(self):
- return self.parent_item
- def getRow(self):
- return self.row
- def timePercent(self, b):
- if not self.time:
- return "0.0"
- x = (b * Decimal(100)) / self.time
- return str(x.quantize(Decimal('.1'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP))
- def branchPercent(self, b):
- if not self.branch_count:
- return "0.0"
- x = (b * Decimal(100)) / self.branch_count
- return str(x.quantize(Decimal('.1'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP))
- def addChild(self, call_path_id, name, dso, count, time, branch_count):
- child_item = TreeItem(self.db, self.child_count, self)
- child_item.comm_id = self.comm_id
- child_item.thread_id = self.thread_id
- child_item.call_path_id = call_path_id
- child_item.branch_count = branch_count
- child_item.time = time
-[0] = name
- if dso == "[kernel.kallsyms]":
- dso = "[kernel]"
-[1] = dso
-[2] = str(count)
-[3] = str(time)
-[4] = self.timePercent(time)
-[5] = str(branch_count)
-[6] = self.branchPercent(branch_count)
- self.child_items.append(child_item)
- self.child_count += 1
- def selectCalls(self):
- self.query_done = True;
- query = QSqlQuery(self.db)
- ret = query.exec_('SELECT id, call_path_id, branch_count, call_time, return_time, '
- '( SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = ( SELECT symbol_id FROM call_paths WHERE id = call_path_id ) ), '
- '( SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id = ( SELECT dso_id FROM symbols WHERE id = ( SELECT symbol_id FROM call_paths WHERE id = call_path_id ) ) ), '
- '( SELECT ip FROM call_paths where id = call_path_id ) '
- 'FROM calls WHERE parent_call_path_id = ' + str(self.call_path_id) + ' AND comm_id = ' + str(self.comm_id) + ' AND thread_id = ' + str(self.thread_id) +
- ' ORDER BY call_path_id')
- if not ret:
- raise Exception("Query failed: " + query.lastError().text())
- last_call_path_id = 0
- name = ""
- dso = ""
- count = 0
- branch_count = 0
- total_branch_count = 0
- time = 0
- total_time = 0
- while
- if query.value(1) == last_call_path_id:
- count += 1
- branch_count += query.value(2)
- time += query.value(4) - query.value(3)
- else:
- if count:
- self.addChild(last_call_path_id, name, dso, count, time, branch_count)
- last_call_path_id = query.value(1)
- name = query.value(5)
- dso = query.value(6)
- count = 1
- total_branch_count += branch_count
- total_time += time
- branch_count = query.value(2)
- time = query.value(4) - query.value(3)
- if count:
- self.addChild(last_call_path_id, name, dso, count, time, branch_count)
- total_branch_count += branch_count
- total_time += time
- # Top level does not have time or branch count, so fix that here
- if total_branch_count > self.branch_count:
- self.branch_count = total_branch_count
- if self.branch_count:
- for child_item in self.child_items:
-[6] = self.branchPercent(child_item.branch_count)
- if total_time > self.time:
- self.time = total_time
- if self.time:
- for child_item in self.child_items:
-[4] = self.timePercent(child_item.time)
- def childCount(self):
- if not self.query_done:
- self.selectCalls()
- return self.child_count
- def columnCount(self):
- return 7
- def columnHeader(self, column):
- headers = ["Call Path", "Object", "Count ", "Time (ns) ", "Time (%) ", "Branch Count ", "Branch Count (%) "]
- return headers[column]
- def getData(self, column):
- return[column]
-class TreeModel(QAbstractItemModel):
- def __init__(self, db, parent=None):
- super(TreeModel, self).__init__(parent)
- self.db = db
- self.root = TreeItem(db, 0, None)
- def columnCount(self, parent):
- return self.root.columnCount()
- def rowCount(self, parent):
- if parent.isValid():
- parent_item = parent.internalPointer()
- else:
- parent_item = self.root
- return parent_item.childCount()
- def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
- if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
- if section > 1:
- return Qt.AlignRight
- if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
- return None
- if orientation != Qt.Horizontal:
- return None
- return self.root.columnHeader(section)
- def parent(self, child):
- child_item = child.internalPointer()
- if child_item is self.root:
- return QModelIndex()
- parent_item = child_item.getParentItem()
- return self.createIndex(parent_item.getRow(), 0, parent_item)
- def index(self, row, column, parent):
- if parent.isValid():
- parent_item = parent.internalPointer()
- else:
- parent_item = self.root
- child_item = parent_item.getChildItem(row)
- return self.createIndex(row, column, child_item)
- def data(self, index, role):
- if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
- if index.column() > 1:
- return Qt.AlignRight
- if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
- return None
- index_item = index.internalPointer()
- return index_item.getData(index.column())
-class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
- def __init__(self, db, dbname, parent=None):
- super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
- self.setObjectName("MainWindow")
- self.setWindowTitle("Call Graph: " + dbname)
- self.move(100, 100)
- self.resize(800, 600)
- style =
- icon = style.standardIcon(QStyle.SP_MessageBoxInformation)
- self.setWindowIcon(icon);
- self.model = TreeModel(db)
- self.view = QTreeView()
- self.view.setModel(self.model)
- self.setCentralWidget(self.view)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
- print >> sys.stderr, "Usage is: <database name>"
- raise Exception("Too few arguments")
- dbname = sys.argv[1]
- is_sqlite3 = False
- try:
- f = open(dbname)
- if == "SQLite format 3":
- is_sqlite3 = True
- f.close()
- except:
- pass
- if is_sqlite3:
- db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE')
- else:
- db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QPSQL')
- opts = dbname.split()
- for opt in opts:
- if '=' in opt:
- opt = opt.split('=')
- if opt[0] == 'hostname':
- db.setHostName(opt[1])
- elif opt[0] == 'port':
- db.setPort(int(opt[1]))
- elif opt[0] == 'username':
- db.setUserName(opt[1])
- elif opt[0] == 'password':
- db.setPassword(opt[1])
- elif opt[0] == 'dbname':
- dbname = opt[1]
- else:
- dbname = opt
- db.setDatabaseName(dbname)
- if not
- raise Exception("Failed to open database " + dbname + " error: " + db.lastError().text())
- app = QApplication(sys.argv)
- window = MainWindow(db, dbname)
- err = app.exec_()
- db.close()
- sys.exit(err)
diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
index e46f51b17513..0564dd7377f2 100644
--- a/tools/perf/scripts/python/
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import datetime
# pt_example=# \q
# An example of using the database is provided by the script
-# Refer to that script for details.
+# Refer to that script for details.
# Tables:
diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
index e4bb82c8aba9..245caf2643ed 100644
--- a/tools/perf/scripts/python/
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import datetime
# sqlite> .quit
# An example of using the database is provided by the script
-# Refer to that script for details.
+# Refer to that script for details.
# The database structure is practically the same as created by the script
# Refer to that script for details. A notable
diff --git a/tools/perf/scripts/python/ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..24cb0bd56afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/scripts/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,2128 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# view data from sql database
+# Copyright (c) 2014-2018, Intel Corporation.
+# To use this script you will need to have exported data using either the
+# or the script. Refer to those
+# scripts for details.
+# Following on from the example in the export scripts, a
+# call-graph can be displayed for the pt_example database like this:
+# python tools/perf/scripts/python/ pt_example
+# Note that for PostgreSQL, this script supports connecting to remote databases
+# by setting hostname, port, username, password, and dbname e.g.
+# python tools/perf/scripts/python/ "hostname=myhost username=myuser password=mypassword dbname=pt_example"
+# The result is a GUI window with a tree representing a context-sensitive
+# call-graph. Expanding a couple of levels of the tree and adjusting column
+# widths to suit will display something like:
+# Call Graph: pt_example
+# Call Path Object Count Time(ns) Time(%) Branch Count Branch Count(%)
+# v- ls
+# v- 2638:2638
+# v- _start 1 10074071 100.0 211135 100.0
+# |- unknown unknown 1 13198 0.1 1 0.0
+# >- _dl_start 1 1400980 13.9 19637 9.3
+# >- _d_linit_internal 1 448152 4.4 11094 5.3
+# v-__libc_start_main@plt ls 1 8211741 81.5 180397 85.4
+# >- _dl_fixup 1 7607 0.1 108 0.1
+# >- __cxa_atexit 1 11737 0.1 10 0.0
+# >- __libc_csu_init ls 1 10354 0.1 10 0.0
+# |- _setjmp 1 0 0.0 4 0.0
+# v- main ls 1 8182043 99.6 180254 99.9
+# Points to note:
+# The top level is a command name (comm)
+# The next level is a thread (pid:tid)
+# Subsequent levels are functions
+# 'Count' is the number of calls
+# 'Time' is the elapsed time until the function returns
+# Percentages are relative to the level above
+# 'Branch Count' is the total number of branches for that function and all
+# functions that it calls
+# There is also a "All branches" report, which displays branches and
+# possibly disassembly. However, presently, the only supported disassembler is
+# Intel XED, and additionally the object code must be present in perf build ID
+# cache. To use Intel XED, must be present. To build and install
+# git clone mbuild
+# git clone
+# cd xed
+# ./ --share
+# sudo ./ --prefix=/usr/local install
+# sudo ldconfig
+# Example report:
+# Time CPU Command PID TID Branch Type In Tx Branch
+# 8107675239590 2 ls 22011 22011 return from interrupt No ffffffff86a00a67 native_irq_return_iret ([kernel]) -> 7fab593ea260 _start (
+# 7fab593ea260 48 89 e7 mov %rsp, %rdi
+# 8107675239899 2 ls 22011 22011 hardware interrupt No 7fab593ea260 _start ( -> ffffffff86a012e0 page_fault ([kernel])
+# 8107675241900 2 ls 22011 22011 return from interrupt No ffffffff86a00a67 native_irq_return_iret ([kernel]) -> 7fab593ea260 _start (
+# 7fab593ea260 48 89 e7 mov %rsp, %rdi
+# 7fab593ea263 e8 c8 06 00 00 callq 0x7fab593ea930
+# 8107675241900 2 ls 22011 22011 call No 7fab593ea263 _start+0x3 ( -> 7fab593ea930 _dl_start (
+# 7fab593ea930 55 pushq %rbp
+# 7fab593ea931 48 89 e5 mov %rsp, %rbp
+# 7fab593ea934 41 57 pushq %r15
+# 7fab593ea936 41 56 pushq %r14
+# 7fab593ea938 41 55 pushq %r13
+# 7fab593ea93a 41 54 pushq %r12
+# 7fab593ea93c 53 pushq %rbx
+# 7fab593ea93d 48 89 fb mov %rdi, %rbx
+# 7fab593ea940 48 83 ec 68 sub $0x68, %rsp
+# 7fab593ea944 0f 31 rdtsc
+# 7fab593ea946 48 c1 e2 20 shl $0x20, %rdx
+# 7fab593ea94a 89 c0 mov %eax, %eax
+# 7fab593ea94c 48 09 c2 or %rax, %rdx
+# 7fab593ea94f 48 8b 05 1a 15 22 00 movq 0x22151a(%rip), %rax
+# 8107675242232 2 ls 22011 22011 hardware interrupt No 7fab593ea94f _dl_start+0x1f ( -> ffffffff86a012e0 page_fault ([kernel])
+# 8107675242900 2 ls 22011 22011 return from interrupt No ffffffff86a00a67 native_irq_return_iret ([kernel]) -> 7fab593ea94f _dl_start+0x1f (
+# 7fab593ea94f 48 8b 05 1a 15 22 00 movq 0x22151a(%rip), %rax
+# 7fab593ea956 48 89 15 3b 13 22 00 movq %rdx, 0x22133b(%rip)
+# 8107675243232 2 ls 22011 22011 hardware interrupt No 7fab593ea956 _dl_start+0x26 ( -> ffffffff86a012e0 page_fault ([kernel])
+import sys
+import weakref
+import threading
+import string
+import cPickle
+import re
+import os
+from PySide.QtCore import *
+from PySide.QtGui import *
+from PySide.QtSql import *
+from decimal import *
+from ctypes import *
+from multiprocessing import Process, Array, Value, Event
+# Data formatting helpers
+def tohex(ip):
+ if ip < 0:
+ ip += 1 << 64
+ return "%x" % ip
+def offstr(offset):
+ if offset:
+ return "+0x%x" % offset
+ return ""
+def dsoname(name):
+ if name == "[kernel.kallsyms]":
+ return "[kernel]"
+ return name
+# Percent to one decimal place
+def PercentToOneDP(n, d):
+ if not d:
+ return "0.0"
+ x = (n * Decimal(100)) / d
+ return str(x.quantize(Decimal(".1"), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP))
+# Helper for queries that must not fail
+def QueryExec(query, stmt):
+ ret = query.exec_(stmt)
+ if not ret:
+ raise Exception("Query failed: " + query.lastError().text())
+# Background thread
+class Thread(QThread):
+ done = Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self, task, param=None, parent=None):
+ super(Thread, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.task = task
+ self.param = param
+ def run(self):
+ while True:
+ if self.param is None:
+ done, result = self.task()
+ else:
+ done, result = self.task(self.param)
+ self.done.emit(result)
+ if done:
+ break
+# Tree data model
+class TreeModel(QAbstractItemModel):
+ def __init__(self, root, parent=None):
+ super(TreeModel, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.root = root
+ self.last_row_read = 0
+ def Item(self, parent):
+ if parent.isValid():
+ return parent.internalPointer()
+ else:
+ return self.root
+ def rowCount(self, parent):
+ result = self.Item(parent).childCount()
+ if result < 0:
+ result = 0
+ self.dataChanged.emit(parent, parent)
+ return result
+ def hasChildren(self, parent):
+ return self.Item(parent).hasChildren()
+ def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
+ if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
+ return self.columnAlignment(section)
+ if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
+ return None
+ if orientation != Qt.Horizontal:
+ return None
+ return self.columnHeader(section)
+ def parent(self, child):
+ child_item = child.internalPointer()
+ if child_item is self.root:
+ return QModelIndex()
+ parent_item = child_item.getParentItem()
+ return self.createIndex(parent_item.getRow(), 0, parent_item)
+ def index(self, row, column, parent):
+ child_item = self.Item(parent).getChildItem(row)
+ return self.createIndex(row, column, child_item)
+ def DisplayData(self, item, index):
+ return item.getData(index.column())
+ def FetchIfNeeded(self, row):
+ if row > self.last_row_read:
+ self.last_row_read = row
+ if row + 10 >= self.root.child_count:
+ self.fetcher.Fetch(glb_chunk_sz)
+ def columnAlignment(self, column):
+ return Qt.AlignLeft
+ def columnFont(self, column):
+ return None
+ def data(self, index, role):
+ if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
+ return self.columnAlignment(index.column())
+ if role == Qt.FontRole:
+ return self.columnFont(index.column())
+ if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
+ return None
+ item = index.internalPointer()
+ return self.DisplayData(item, index)
+# Table data model
+class TableModel(QAbstractTableModel):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(TableModel, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.child_count = 0
+ self.child_items = []
+ self.last_row_read = 0
+ def Item(self, parent):
+ if parent.isValid():
+ return parent.internalPointer()
+ else:
+ return self
+ def rowCount(self, parent):
+ return self.child_count
+ def headerData(self, section, orientation, role):
+ if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
+ return self.columnAlignment(section)
+ if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
+ return None
+ if orientation != Qt.Horizontal:
+ return None
+ return self.columnHeader(section)
+ def index(self, row, column, parent):
+ return self.createIndex(row, column, self.child_items[row])
+ def DisplayData(self, item, index):
+ return item.getData(index.column())
+ def FetchIfNeeded(self, row):
+ if row > self.last_row_read:
+ self.last_row_read = row
+ if row + 10 >= self.child_count:
+ self.fetcher.Fetch(glb_chunk_sz)
+ def columnAlignment(self, column):
+ return Qt.AlignLeft
+ def columnFont(self, column):
+ return None
+ def data(self, index, role):
+ if role == Qt.TextAlignmentRole:
+ return self.columnAlignment(index.column())
+ if role == Qt.FontRole:
+ return self.columnFont(index.column())
+ if role != Qt.DisplayRole:
+ return None
+ item = index.internalPointer()
+ return self.DisplayData(item, index)
+# Model cache
+model_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
+model_cache_lock = threading.Lock()
+def LookupCreateModel(model_name, create_fn):
+ model_cache_lock.acquire()
+ try:
+ model = model_cache[model_name]
+ except:
+ model = None
+ if model is None:
+ model = create_fn()
+ model_cache[model_name] = model
+ model_cache_lock.release()
+ return model
+# Find bar
+class FindBar():
+ def __init__(self, parent, finder, is_reg_expr=False):
+ self.finder = finder
+ self.context = []
+ self.last_value = None
+ self.last_pattern = None
+ label = QLabel("Find:")
+ label.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+ self.textbox = QComboBox()
+ self.textbox.setEditable(True)
+ self.textbox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.ValueChanged)
+ self.progress = QProgressBar()
+ self.progress.setRange(0, 0)
+ self.progress.hide()
+ if is_reg_expr:
+ self.pattern = QCheckBox("Regular Expression")
+ else:
+ self.pattern = QCheckBox("Pattern")
+ self.pattern.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+ self.next_button = QToolButton()
+ self.next_button.setIcon(
+ self.next_button.released.connect(lambda: self.NextPrev(1))
+ self.prev_button = QToolButton()
+ self.prev_button.setIcon(
+ self.prev_button.released.connect(lambda: self.NextPrev(-1))
+ self.close_button = QToolButton()
+ self.close_button.setIcon(
+ self.close_button.released.connect(self.Deactivate)
+ self.hbox = QHBoxLayout()
+ self.hbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(label)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.textbox)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.progress)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.pattern)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.next_button)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.prev_button)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.close_button)
+ = QWidget()
+ def Widget(self):
+ return
+ def Activate(self):
+ self.textbox.setFocus()
+ def Deactivate(self):
+ def Busy(self):
+ self.textbox.setEnabled(False)
+ self.pattern.hide()
+ self.next_button.hide()
+ self.prev_button.hide()
+ def Idle(self):
+ self.textbox.setEnabled(True)
+ self.progress.hide()
+ def Find(self, direction):
+ value = self.textbox.currentText()
+ pattern = self.pattern.isChecked()
+ self.last_value = value
+ self.last_pattern = pattern
+ self.finder.Find(value, direction, pattern, self.context)
+ def ValueChanged(self):
+ value = self.textbox.currentText()
+ pattern = self.pattern.isChecked()
+ index = self.textbox.currentIndex()
+ data = self.textbox.itemData(index)
+ # Store the pattern in the combo box to keep it with the text value
+ if data == None:
+ self.textbox.setItemData(index, pattern)
+ else:
+ self.pattern.setChecked(data)
+ self.Find(0)
+ def NextPrev(self, direction):
+ value = self.textbox.currentText()
+ pattern = self.pattern.isChecked()
+ if value != self.last_value:
+ index = self.textbox.findText(value)
+ # Allow for a button press before the value has been added to the combo box
+ if index < 0:
+ index = self.textbox.count()
+ self.textbox.addItem(value, pattern)
+ self.textbox.setCurrentIndex(index)
+ return
+ else:
+ self.textbox.setItemData(index, pattern)
+ elif pattern != self.last_pattern:
+ # Keep the pattern recorded in the combo box up to date
+ index = self.textbox.currentIndex()
+ self.textbox.setItemData(index, pattern)
+ self.Find(direction)
+ def NotFound(self):
+ QMessageBox.information(, "Find", "'" + self.textbox.currentText() + "' not found")
+# Context-sensitive call graph data model item base
+class CallGraphLevelItemBase(object):
+ def __init__(self, glb, row, parent_item):
+ self.glb = glb
+ self.row = row
+ self.parent_item = parent_item
+ self.query_done = False;
+ self.child_count = 0
+ self.child_items = []
+ def getChildItem(self, row):
+ return self.child_items[row]
+ def getParentItem(self):
+ return self.parent_item
+ def getRow(self):
+ return self.row
+ def childCount(self):
+ if not self.query_done:
+ self.Select()
+ if not self.child_count:
+ return -1
+ return self.child_count
+ def hasChildren(self):
+ if not self.query_done:
+ return True
+ return self.child_count > 0
+ def getData(self, column):
+ return[column]
+# Context-sensitive call graph data model level 2+ item base
+class CallGraphLevelTwoPlusItemBase(CallGraphLevelItemBase):
+ def __init__(self, glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, call_path_id, time, branch_count, parent_item):
+ super(CallGraphLevelTwoPlusItemBase, self).__init__(glb, row, parent_item)
+ self.comm_id = comm_id
+ self.thread_id = thread_id
+ self.call_path_id = call_path_id
+ self.branch_count = branch_count
+ self.time = time
+ def Select(self):
+ self.query_done = True;
+ query = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT call_path_id, name, short_name, COUNT(, SUM(return_time - call_time), SUM(branch_count)"
+ " FROM calls"
+ " INNER JOIN call_paths ON calls.call_path_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN symbols ON call_paths.symbol_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN dsos ON symbols.dso_id ="
+ " WHERE parent_call_path_id = " + str(self.call_path_id) +
+ " AND comm_id = " + str(self.comm_id) +
+ " AND thread_id = " + str(self.thread_id) +
+ " GROUP BY call_path_id, name, short_name"
+ " ORDER BY call_path_id")
+ while
+ child_item = CallGraphLevelThreeItem(self.glb, self.child_count, self.comm_id, self.thread_id, query.value(0), query.value(1), query.value(2), query.value(3), int(query.value(4)), int(query.value(5)), self)
+ self.child_items.append(child_item)
+ self.child_count += 1
+# Context-sensitive call graph data model level three item
+class CallGraphLevelThreeItem(CallGraphLevelTwoPlusItemBase):
+ def __init__(self, glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, call_path_id, name, dso, count, time, branch_count, parent_item):
+ super(CallGraphLevelThreeItem, self).__init__(glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, call_path_id, time, branch_count, parent_item)
+ dso = dsoname(dso)
+ = [ name, dso, str(count), str(time), PercentToOneDP(time, parent_item.time), str(branch_count), PercentToOneDP(branch_count, parent_item.branch_count) ]
+ self.dbid = call_path_id
+# Context-sensitive call graph data model level two item
+class CallGraphLevelTwoItem(CallGraphLevelTwoPlusItemBase):
+ def __init__(self, glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, pid, tid, parent_item):
+ super(CallGraphLevelTwoItem, self).__init__(glb, row, comm_id, thread_id, 1, 0, 0, parent_item)
+ = [str(pid) + ":" + str(tid), "", "", "", "", "", ""]
+ self.dbid = thread_id
+ def Select(self):
+ super(CallGraphLevelTwoItem, self).Select()
+ for child_item in self.child_items:
+ self.time += child_item.time
+ self.branch_count += child_item.branch_count
+ for child_item in self.child_items:
+[4] = PercentToOneDP(child_item.time, self.time)
+[6] = PercentToOneDP(child_item.branch_count, self.branch_count)
+# Context-sensitive call graph data model level one item
+class CallGraphLevelOneItem(CallGraphLevelItemBase):
+ def __init__(self, glb, row, comm_id, comm, parent_item):
+ super(CallGraphLevelOneItem, self).__init__(glb, row, parent_item)
+ = [comm, "", "", "", "", "", ""]
+ self.dbid = comm_id
+ def Select(self):
+ self.query_done = True;
+ query = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT thread_id, pid, tid"
+ " FROM comm_threads"
+ " INNER JOIN threads ON thread_id ="
+ " WHERE comm_id = " + str(self.dbid))
+ while
+ child_item = CallGraphLevelTwoItem(self.glb, self.child_count, self.dbid, query.value(0), query.value(1), query.value(2), self)
+ self.child_items.append(child_item)
+ self.child_count += 1
+# Context-sensitive call graph data model root item
+class CallGraphRootItem(CallGraphLevelItemBase):
+ def __init__(self, glb):
+ super(CallGraphRootItem, self).__init__(glb, 0, None)
+ self.dbid = 0
+ self.query_done = True;
+ query = QSqlQuery(glb.db)
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT id, comm FROM comms")
+ while
+ if not query.value(0):
+ continue
+ child_item = CallGraphLevelOneItem(glb, self.child_count, query.value(0), query.value(1), self)
+ self.child_items.append(child_item)
+ self.child_count += 1
+# Context-sensitive call graph data model
+class CallGraphModel(TreeModel):
+ def __init__(self, glb, parent=None):
+ super(CallGraphModel, self).__init__(CallGraphRootItem(glb), parent)
+ self.glb = glb
+ def columnCount(self, parent=None):
+ return 7
+ def columnHeader(self, column):
+ headers = ["Call Path", "Object", "Count ", "Time (ns) ", "Time (%) ", "Branch Count ", "Branch Count (%) "]
+ return headers[column]
+ def columnAlignment(self, column):
+ alignment = [ Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight ]
+ return alignment[column]
+ def FindSelect(self, value, pattern, query):
+ if pattern:
+ # postgresql and sqlite pattern patching differences:
+ # postgresql LIKE is case sensitive but sqlite LIKE is not
+ # postgresql LIKE allows % and _ to be escaped with \ but sqlite LIKE does not
+ # postgresql supports ILIKE which is case insensitive
+ # sqlite supports GLOB (text only) which uses * and ? and is case sensitive
+ if not self.glb.dbref.is_sqlite3:
+ # Escape % and _
+ s = value.replace("%", "\%")
+ s = s.replace("_", "\_")
+ # Translate * and ? into SQL LIKE pattern characters % and _
+ trans = string.maketrans("*?", "%_")
+ match = " LIKE '" + str(s).translate(trans) + "'"
+ else:
+ match = " GLOB '" + str(value) + "'"
+ else:
+ match = " = '" + str(value) + "'"
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT call_path_id, comm_id, thread_id"
+ " FROM calls"
+ " INNER JOIN call_paths ON calls.call_path_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN symbols ON call_paths.symbol_id ="
+ " WHERE" + match +
+ " GROUP BY comm_id, thread_id, call_path_id"
+ " ORDER BY comm_id, thread_id, call_path_id")
+ def FindPath(self, query):
+ # Turn the query result into a list of ids that the tree view can walk
+ # to open the tree at the right place.
+ ids = []
+ parent_id = query.value(0)
+ while parent_id:
+ ids.insert(0, parent_id)
+ q2 = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
+ QueryExec(q2, "SELECT parent_id"
+ " FROM call_paths"
+ " WHERE id = " + str(parent_id))
+ if not
+ break
+ parent_id = q2.value(0)
+ # The call path root is not used
+ if ids[0] == 1:
+ del ids[0]
+ ids.insert(0, query.value(2))
+ ids.insert(0, query.value(1))
+ return ids
+ def Found(self, query, found):
+ if found:
+ return self.FindPath(query)
+ return []
+ def FindValue(self, value, pattern, query, last_value, last_pattern):
+ if last_value == value and pattern == last_pattern:
+ found = query.first()
+ else:
+ self.FindSelect(value, pattern, query)
+ found =
+ return self.Found(query, found)
+ def FindNext(self, query):
+ found =
+ if not found:
+ found = query.first()
+ return self.Found(query, found)
+ def FindPrev(self, query):
+ found = query.previous()
+ if not found:
+ found = query.last()
+ return self.Found(query, found)
+ def FindThread(self, c):
+ if c.direction == 0 or c.value != c.last_value or c.pattern != c.last_pattern:
+ ids = self.FindValue(c.value, c.pattern, c.query, c.last_value, c.last_pattern)
+ elif c.direction > 0:
+ ids = self.FindNext(c.query)
+ else:
+ ids = self.FindPrev(c.query)
+ return (True, ids)
+ def Find(self, value, direction, pattern, context, callback):
+ class Context():
+ def __init__(self, *x):
+ self.value, self.direction, self.pattern, self.query, self.last_value, self.last_pattern = x
+ def Update(self, *x):
+ self.value, self.direction, self.pattern, self.last_value, self.last_pattern = x + (self.value, self.pattern)
+ if len(context):
+ context[0].Update(value, direction, pattern)
+ else:
+ context.append(Context(value, direction, pattern, QSqlQuery(self.glb.db), None, None))
+ # Use a thread so the UI is not blocked during the SELECT
+ thread = Thread(self.FindThread, context[0])
+ thread.done.connect(lambda ids, t=thread, c=callback: self.FindDone(t, c, ids), Qt.QueuedConnection)
+ thread.start()
+ def FindDone(self, thread, callback, ids):
+ callback(ids)
+# Vertical widget layout
+class VBox():
+ def __init__(self, w1, w2, w3=None):
+ self.vbox = QWidget()
+ self.vbox.setLayout(QVBoxLayout());
+ self.vbox.layout().setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.vbox.layout().addWidget(w1)
+ self.vbox.layout().addWidget(w2)
+ if w3:
+ self.vbox.layout().addWidget(w3)
+ def Widget(self):
+ return self.vbox
+# Context-sensitive call graph window
+class CallGraphWindow(QMdiSubWindow):
+ def __init__(self, glb, parent=None):
+ super(CallGraphWindow, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.model = LookupCreateModel("Context-Sensitive Call Graph", lambda x=glb: CallGraphModel(x))
+ self.view = QTreeView()
+ self.view.setModel(self.model)
+ for c, w in ((0, 250), (1, 100), (2, 60), (3, 70), (4, 70), (5, 100)):
+ self.view.setColumnWidth(c, w)
+ self.find_bar = FindBar(self, self)
+ self.vbox = VBox(self.view, self.find_bar.Widget())
+ self.setWidget(self.vbox.Widget())
+ AddSubWindow(glb.mainwindow.mdi_area, self, "Context-Sensitive Call Graph")
+ def DisplayFound(self, ids):
+ if not len(ids):
+ return False
+ parent = QModelIndex()
+ for dbid in ids:
+ found = False
+ n = self.model.rowCount(parent)
+ for row in xrange(n):
+ child = self.model.index(row, 0, parent)
+ if child.internalPointer().dbid == dbid:
+ found = True
+ self.view.setCurrentIndex(child)
+ parent = child
+ break
+ if not found:
+ break
+ return found
+ def Find(self, value, direction, pattern, context):
+ self.view.setFocus()
+ self.find_bar.Busy()
+ self.model.Find(value, direction, pattern, context, self.FindDone)
+ def FindDone(self, ids):
+ found = True
+ if not self.DisplayFound(ids):
+ found = False
+ self.find_bar.Idle()
+ if not found:
+ self.find_bar.NotFound()
+# Child data item finder
+class ChildDataItemFinder():
+ def __init__(self, root):
+ self.root = root
+ self.value, self.direction, self.pattern, self.last_value, self.last_pattern = (None,) * 5
+ self.rows = []
+ self.pos = 0
+ def FindSelect(self):
+ self.rows = []
+ if self.pattern:
+ pattern = re.compile(self.value)
+ for child in self.root.child_items:
+ for column_data in
+ if, str(column_data)) is not None:
+ self.rows.append(child.row)
+ break
+ else:
+ for child in self.root.child_items:
+ for column_data in
+ if self.value in str(column_data):
+ self.rows.append(child.row)
+ break
+ def FindValue(self):
+ self.pos = 0
+ if self.last_value != self.value or self.pattern != self.last_pattern:
+ self.FindSelect()
+ if not len(self.rows):
+ return -1
+ return self.rows[self.pos]
+ def FindThread(self):
+ if self.direction == 0 or self.value != self.last_value or self.pattern != self.last_pattern:
+ row = self.FindValue()
+ elif len(self.rows):
+ if self.direction > 0:
+ self.pos += 1
+ if self.pos >= len(self.rows):
+ self.pos = 0
+ else:
+ self.pos -= 1
+ if self.pos < 0:
+ self.pos = len(self.rows) - 1
+ row = self.rows[self.pos]
+ else:
+ row = -1
+ return (True, row)
+ def Find(self, value, direction, pattern, context, callback):
+ self.value, self.direction, self.pattern, self.last_value, self.last_pattern = (value, direction,pattern, self.value, self.pattern)
+ # Use a thread so the UI is not blocked
+ thread = Thread(self.FindThread)
+ thread.done.connect(lambda row, t=thread, c=callback: self.FindDone(t, c, row), Qt.QueuedConnection)
+ thread.start()
+ def FindDone(self, thread, callback, row):
+ callback(row)
+# Number of database records to fetch in one go
+glb_chunk_sz = 10000
+# size of pickled integer big enough for record size
+glb_nsz = 8
+# Background process for SQL data fetcher
+class SQLFetcherProcess():
+ def __init__(self, dbref, sql, buffer, head, tail, fetch_count, fetching_done, process_target, wait_event, fetched_event, prep):
+ # Need a unique connection name
+ conn_name = "SQLFetcher" + str(os.getpid())
+ self.db, dbname = dbref.Open(conn_name)
+ self.sql = sql
+ self.buffer = buffer
+ self.head = head
+ self.tail = tail
+ self.fetch_count = fetch_count
+ self.fetching_done = fetching_done
+ self.process_target = process_target
+ self.wait_event = wait_event
+ self.fetched_event = fetched_event
+ self.prep = prep
+ self.query = QSqlQuery(self.db)
+ self.query_limit = 0 if "$$last_id$$" in sql else 2
+ self.last_id = -1
+ self.fetched = 0
+ self.more = True
+ self.local_head = self.head.value
+ self.local_tail = self.tail.value
+ def Select(self):
+ if self.query_limit:
+ if self.query_limit == 1:
+ return
+ self.query_limit -= 1
+ stmt = self.sql.replace("$$last_id$$", str(self.last_id))
+ QueryExec(self.query, stmt)
+ def Next(self):
+ if not
+ self.Select()
+ if not
+ return None
+ self.last_id = self.query.value(0)
+ return self.prep(self.query)
+ def WaitForTarget(self):
+ while True:
+ self.wait_event.clear()
+ target = self.process_target.value
+ if target > self.fetched or target < 0:
+ break
+ self.wait_event.wait()
+ return target
+ def HasSpace(self, sz):
+ if self.local_tail <= self.local_head:
+ space = len(self.buffer) - self.local_head
+ if space > sz:
+ return True
+ if space >= glb_nsz:
+ # Use 0 (or space < glb_nsz) to mean there is no more at the top of the buffer
+ nd = cPickle.dumps(0, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ self.buffer[self.local_head : self.local_head + len(nd)] = nd
+ self.local_head = 0
+ if self.local_tail - self.local_head > sz:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def WaitForSpace(self, sz):
+ if self.HasSpace(sz):
+ return
+ while True:
+ self.wait_event.clear()
+ self.local_tail = self.tail.value
+ if self.HasSpace(sz):
+ return
+ self.wait_event.wait()
+ def AddToBuffer(self, obj):
+ d = cPickle.dumps(obj, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ n = len(d)
+ nd = cPickle.dumps(n, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ sz = n + glb_nsz
+ self.WaitForSpace(sz)
+ pos = self.local_head
+ self.buffer[pos : pos + len(nd)] = nd
+ self.buffer[pos + glb_nsz : pos + sz] = d
+ self.local_head += sz
+ def FetchBatch(self, batch_size):
+ fetched = 0
+ while batch_size > fetched:
+ obj = self.Next()
+ if obj is None:
+ self.more = False
+ break
+ self.AddToBuffer(obj)
+ fetched += 1
+ if fetched:
+ self.fetched += fetched
+ with self.fetch_count.get_lock():
+ self.fetch_count.value += fetched
+ self.head.value = self.local_head
+ self.fetched_event.set()
+ def Run(self):
+ while self.more:
+ target = self.WaitForTarget()
+ if target < 0:
+ break
+ batch_size = min(glb_chunk_sz, target - self.fetched)
+ self.FetchBatch(batch_size)
+ self.fetching_done.value = True
+ self.fetched_event.set()
+def SQLFetcherFn(*x):
+ process = SQLFetcherProcess(*x)
+ process.Run()
+# SQL data fetcher
+class SQLFetcher(QObject):
+ done = Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self, glb, sql, prep, process_data, parent=None):
+ super(SQLFetcher, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.process_data = process_data
+ self.more = True
+ = 0
+ self.last_target = 0
+ self.fetched = 0
+ self.buffer_size = 16 * 1024 * 1024
+ self.buffer = Array(c_char, self.buffer_size, lock=False)
+ self.head = Value(c_longlong)
+ self.tail = Value(c_longlong)
+ self.local_tail = 0
+ self.fetch_count = Value(c_longlong)
+ self.fetching_done = Value(c_bool)
+ self.last_count = 0
+ self.process_target = Value(c_longlong)
+ self.wait_event = Event()
+ self.fetched_event = Event()
+ glb.AddInstanceToShutdownOnExit(self)
+ self.process = Process(target=SQLFetcherFn, args=(glb.dbref, sql, self.buffer, self.head, self.tail, self.fetch_count, self.fetching_done, self.process_target, self.wait_event, self.fetched_event, prep))
+ self.process.start()
+ self.thread = Thread(self.Thread)
+ self.thread.done.connect(self.ProcessData, Qt.QueuedConnection)
+ self.thread.start()
+ def Shutdown(self):
+ # Tell the thread and process to exit
+ self.process_target.value = -1
+ self.wait_event.set()
+ self.more = False
+ self.fetching_done.value = True
+ self.fetched_event.set()
+ def Thread(self):
+ if not self.more:
+ return True, 0
+ while True:
+ self.fetched_event.clear()
+ fetch_count = self.fetch_count.value
+ if fetch_count != self.last_count:
+ break
+ if self.fetching_done.value:
+ self.more = False
+ return True, 0
+ self.fetched_event.wait()
+ count = fetch_count - self.last_count
+ self.last_count = fetch_count
+ self.fetched += count
+ return False, count
+ def Fetch(self, nr):
+ if not self.more:
+ # -1 inidcates there are no more
+ return -1
+ result = self.fetched
+ extra = result + nr -
+ if extra > 0:
+ += extra
+ # process_target < 0 indicates shutting down
+ if self.process_target.value >= 0:
+ self.process_target.value =
+ self.wait_event.set()
+ return result
+ def RemoveFromBuffer(self):
+ pos = self.local_tail
+ if len(self.buffer) - pos < glb_nsz:
+ pos = 0
+ n = cPickle.loads(self.buffer[pos : pos + glb_nsz])
+ if n == 0:
+ pos = 0
+ n = cPickle.loads(self.buffer[0 : glb_nsz])
+ pos += glb_nsz
+ obj = cPickle.loads(self.buffer[pos : pos + n])
+ self.local_tail = pos + n
+ return obj
+ def ProcessData(self, count):
+ for i in xrange(count):
+ obj = self.RemoveFromBuffer()
+ self.process_data(obj)
+ self.tail.value = self.local_tail
+ self.wait_event.set()
+ self.done.emit(count)
+# Fetch more records bar
+class FetchMoreRecordsBar():
+ def __init__(self, model, parent):
+ self.model = model
+ self.label = QLabel("Number of records (x " + "{:,}".format(glb_chunk_sz) + ") to fetch:")
+ self.label.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+ self.fetch_count = QSpinBox()
+ self.fetch_count.setRange(1, 1000000)
+ self.fetch_count.setValue(10)
+ self.fetch_count.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+ self.fetch = QPushButton("Go!")
+ self.fetch.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Fixed, QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+ self.fetch.released.connect(self.FetchMoreRecords)
+ self.progress = QProgressBar()
+ self.progress.setRange(0, 100)
+ self.progress.hide()
+ self.done_label = QLabel("All records fetched")
+ self.done_label.hide()
+ self.spacer = QLabel("")
+ self.close_button = QToolButton()
+ self.close_button.setIcon(
+ self.close_button.released.connect(self.Deactivate)
+ self.hbox = QHBoxLayout()
+ self.hbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.label)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.fetch_count)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.fetch)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.spacer)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.progress)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.done_label)
+ self.hbox.addWidget(self.close_button)
+ = QWidget()
+ self.in_progress = False
+ self.model.progress.connect(self.Progress)
+ self.done = False
+ if not model.HasMoreRecords():
+ self.Done()
+ def Widget(self):
+ return
+ def Activate(self):
+ self.fetch.setFocus()
+ def Deactivate(self):
+ def Enable(self, enable):
+ self.fetch.setEnabled(enable)
+ self.fetch_count.setEnabled(enable)
+ def Busy(self):
+ self.Enable(False)
+ self.fetch.hide()
+ self.spacer.hide()
+ def Idle(self):
+ self.in_progress = False
+ self.Enable(True)
+ self.progress.hide()
+ def Target(self):
+ return self.fetch_count.value() * glb_chunk_sz
+ def Done(self):
+ self.done = True
+ self.Idle()
+ self.label.hide()
+ self.fetch_count.hide()
+ self.fetch.hide()
+ self.spacer.hide()
+ def Progress(self, count):
+ if self.in_progress:
+ if count:
+ percent = ((count - self.start) * 100) / self.Target()
+ if percent >= 100:
+ self.Idle()
+ else:
+ self.progress.setValue(percent)
+ if not count:
+ # Count value of zero means no more records
+ self.Done()
+ def FetchMoreRecords(self):
+ if self.done:
+ return
+ self.progress.setValue(0)
+ self.Busy()
+ self.in_progress = True
+ self.start = self.model.FetchMoreRecords(self.Target())
+# Brance data model level two item
+class BranchLevelTwoItem():
+ def __init__(self, row, text, parent_item):
+ self.row = row
+ self.parent_item = parent_item
+ = [""] * 8
+[7] = text
+ self.level = 2
+ def getParentItem(self):
+ return self.parent_item
+ def getRow(self):
+ return self.row
+ def childCount(self):
+ return 0
+ def hasChildren(self):
+ return False
+ def getData(self, column):
+ return[column]
+# Brance data model level one item
+class BranchLevelOneItem():
+ def __init__(self, glb, row, data, parent_item):
+ self.glb = glb
+ self.row = row
+ self.parent_item = parent_item
+ self.child_count = 0
+ self.child_items = []
+ = data[1:]
+ self.dbid = data[0]
+ self.level = 1
+ self.query_done = False
+ def getChildItem(self, row):
+ return self.child_items[row]
+ def getParentItem(self):
+ return self.parent_item
+ def getRow(self):
+ return self.row
+ def Select(self):
+ self.query_done = True
+ if not self.glb.have_disassembler:
+ return
+ query = QSqlQuery(self.glb.db)
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT cpu, to_dso_id, to_symbol_id, to_sym_offset, short_name, long_name, build_id, sym_start, to_ip"
+ " FROM samples"
+ " INNER JOIN dsos ON samples.to_dso_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN symbols ON samples.to_symbol_id ="
+ " WHERE = " + str(self.dbid))
+ if not
+ return
+ cpu = query.value(0)
+ dso = query.value(1)
+ sym = query.value(2)
+ if dso == 0 or sym == 0:
+ return
+ off = query.value(3)
+ short_name = query.value(4)
+ long_name = query.value(5)
+ build_id = query.value(6)
+ sym_start = query.value(7)
+ ip = query.value(8)
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT samples.dso_id, symbol_id, sym_offset, sym_start"
+ " FROM samples"
+ " INNER JOIN symbols ON samples.symbol_id ="
+ " WHERE > " + str(self.dbid) + " AND cpu = " + str(cpu) +
+ " LIMIT 1")
+ if not
+ return
+ if query.value(0) != dso:
+ # Cannot disassemble from one dso to another
+ return
+ bsym = query.value(1)
+ boff = query.value(2)
+ bsym_start = query.value(3)
+ if bsym == 0:
+ return
+ tot = bsym_start + boff + 1 - sym_start - off
+ if tot <= 0 or tot > 16384:
+ return
+ inst = self.glb.disassembler.Instruction()
+ f = self.glb.FileFromNamesAndBuildId(short_name, long_name, build_id)
+ if not f:
+ return
+ mode = 0 if Is64Bit(f) else 1
+ self.glb.disassembler.SetMode(inst, mode)
+ buf_sz = tot + 16
+ buf = create_string_buffer(tot + 16)
+ + off)
+ buf.value =
+ buf_ptr = addressof(buf)
+ i = 0
+ while tot > 0:
+ cnt, text = self.glb.disassembler.DisassembleOne(inst, buf_ptr, buf_sz, ip)
+ if cnt:
+ byte_str = tohex(ip).rjust(16)
+ for k in xrange(cnt):
+ byte_str += " %02x" % ord(buf[i])
+ i += 1
+ while k < 15:
+ byte_str += " "
+ k += 1
+ self.child_items.append(BranchLevelTwoItem(0, byte_str + " " + text, self))
+ self.child_count += 1
+ else:
+ return
+ buf_ptr += cnt
+ tot -= cnt
+ buf_sz -= cnt
+ ip += cnt
+ def childCount(self):
+ if not self.query_done:
+ self.Select()
+ if not self.child_count:
+ return -1
+ return self.child_count
+ def hasChildren(self):
+ if not self.query_done:
+ return True
+ return self.child_count > 0
+ def getData(self, column):
+ return[column]
+# Brance data model root item
+class BranchRootItem():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.child_count = 0
+ self.child_items = []
+ self.level = 0
+ def getChildItem(self, row):
+ return self.child_items[row]
+ def getParentItem(self):
+ return None
+ def getRow(self):
+ return 0
+ def childCount(self):
+ return self.child_count
+ def hasChildren(self):
+ return self.child_count > 0
+ def getData(self, column):
+ return ""
+# Branch data preparation
+def BranchDataPrep(query):
+ data = []
+ for i in xrange(0, 8):
+ data.append(query.value(i))
+ data.append(tohex(query.value(8)).rjust(16) + " " + query.value(9) + offstr(query.value(10)) +
+ " (" + dsoname(query.value(11)) + ")" + " -> " +
+ tohex(query.value(12)) + " " + query.value(13) + offstr(query.value(14)) +
+ " (" + dsoname(query.value(15)) + ")")
+ return data
+# Branch data model
+class BranchModel(TreeModel):
+ progress = Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self, glb, event_id, where_clause, parent=None):
+ super(BranchModel, self).__init__(BranchRootItem(), parent)
+ self.glb = glb
+ self.event_id = event_id
+ self.more = True
+ self.populated = 0
+ sql = ("SELECT, time, cpu, comm, pid, tid,,"
+ " CASE WHEN in_tx = '0' THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END,"
+ " ip,, sym_offset, dsos.short_name,"
+ " to_ip,, to_sym_offset, to_dsos.short_name"
+ " FROM samples"
+ " INNER JOIN comms ON comm_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN threads ON thread_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN branch_types ON branch_type ="
+ " INNER JOIN symbols ON symbol_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN symbols to_symbols ON to_symbol_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN dsos ON samples.dso_id ="
+ " INNER JOIN dsos AS to_dsos ON samples.to_dso_id ="
+ " WHERE > $$last_id$$" + where_clause +
+ " AND evsel_id = " + str(self.event_id) +
+ " LIMIT " + str(glb_chunk_sz))
+ self.fetcher = SQLFetcher(glb, sql, BranchDataPrep, self.AddSample)
+ self.fetcher.done.connect(self.Update)
+ self.fetcher.Fetch(glb_chunk_sz)
+ def columnCount(self, parent=None):
+ return 8
+ def columnHeader(self, column):
+ return ("Time", "CPU", "Command", "PID", "TID", "Branch Type", "In Tx", "Branch")[column]
+ def columnFont(self, column):
+ if column != 7:
+ return None
+ return QFont("Monospace")
+ def DisplayData(self, item, index):
+ if item.level == 1:
+ self.FetchIfNeeded(item.row)
+ return item.getData(index.column())
+ def AddSample(self, data):
+ child = BranchLevelOneItem(self.glb, self.populated, data, self.root)
+ self.root.child_items.append(child)
+ self.populated += 1
+ def Update(self, fetched):
+ if not fetched:
+ self.more = False
+ self.progress.emit(0)
+ child_count = self.root.child_count
+ count = self.populated - child_count
+ if count > 0:
+ parent = QModelIndex()
+ self.beginInsertRows(parent, child_count, child_count + count - 1)
+ self.insertRows(child_count, count, parent)
+ self.root.child_count += count
+ self.endInsertRows()
+ self.progress.emit(self.root.child_count)
+ def FetchMoreRecords(self, count):
+ current = self.root.child_count
+ if self.more:
+ self.fetcher.Fetch(count)
+ else:
+ self.progress.emit(0)
+ return current
+ def HasMoreRecords(self):
+ return self.more
+# Branch window
+class BranchWindow(QMdiSubWindow):
+ def __init__(self, glb, event_id, name, where_clause, parent=None):
+ super(BranchWindow, self).__init__(parent)
+ model_name = "Branch Events " + str(event_id)
+ if len(where_clause):
+ model_name = where_clause + " " + model_name
+ self.model = LookupCreateModel(model_name, lambda: BranchModel(glb, event_id, where_clause))
+ self.view = QTreeView()
+ self.view.setUniformRowHeights(True)
+ self.view.setModel(self.model)
+ self.ResizeColumnsToContents()
+ self.find_bar = FindBar(self, self, True)
+ self.finder = ChildDataItemFinder(self.model.root)
+ self.fetch_bar = FetchMoreRecordsBar(self.model, self)
+ self.vbox = VBox(self.view, self.find_bar.Widget(), self.fetch_bar.Widget())
+ self.setWidget(self.vbox.Widget())
+ AddSubWindow(glb.mainwindow.mdi_area, self, name + " Branch Events")
+ def ResizeColumnToContents(self, column, n):
+ # Using the view's resizeColumnToContents() here is extrememly slow
+ # so implement a crude alternative
+ mm = "MM" if column else "MMMM"
+ font = self.view.font()
+ metrics = QFontMetrics(font)
+ max = 0
+ for row in xrange(n):
+ val = self.model.root.child_items[row].data[column]
+ len = metrics.width(str(val) + mm)
+ max = len if len > max else max
+ val = self.model.columnHeader(column)
+ len = metrics.width(str(val) + mm)
+ max = len if len > max else max
+ self.view.setColumnWidth(column, max)
+ def ResizeColumnsToContents(self):
+ n = min(self.model.root.child_count, 100)
+ if n < 1:
+ # No data yet, so connect a signal to notify when there is
+ self.model.rowsInserted.connect(self.UpdateColumnWidths)
+ return
+ columns = self.model.columnCount()
+ for i in xrange(columns):
+ self.ResizeColumnToContents(i, n)
+ def UpdateColumnWidths(self, *x):
+ # This only needs to be done once, so disconnect the signal now
+ self.model.rowsInserted.disconnect(self.UpdateColumnWidths)
+ self.ResizeColumnsToContents()
+ def Find(self, value, direction, pattern, context):
+ self.view.setFocus()
+ self.find_bar.Busy()
+ self.finder.Find(value, direction, pattern, context, self.FindDone)
+ def FindDone(self, row):
+ self.find_bar.Idle()
+ if row >= 0:
+ self.view.setCurrentIndex(self.model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex()))
+ else:
+ self.find_bar.NotFound()
+# Event list
+def GetEventList(db):
+ events = []
+ query = QSqlQuery(db)
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT name FROM selected_events WHERE id > 0 ORDER BY id")
+ while
+ events.append(query.value(0))
+ return events
+# SQL data preparation
+def SQLTableDataPrep(query, count):
+ data = []
+ for i in xrange(count):
+ data.append(query.value(i))
+ return data
+# SQL table data model item
+class SQLTableItem():
+ def __init__(self, row, data):
+ self.row = row
+ = data
+ def getData(self, column):
+ return[column]
+# SQL table data model
+class SQLTableModel(TableModel):
+ progress = Signal(object)
+ def __init__(self, glb, sql, column_count, parent=None):
+ super(SQLTableModel, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.glb = glb
+ self.more = True
+ self.populated = 0
+ self.fetcher = SQLFetcher(glb, sql, lambda x, y=column_count: SQLTableDataPrep(x, y), self.AddSample)
+ self.fetcher.done.connect(self.Update)
+ self.fetcher.Fetch(glb_chunk_sz)
+ def DisplayData(self, item, index):
+ self.FetchIfNeeded(item.row)
+ return item.getData(index.column())
+ def AddSample(self, data):
+ child = SQLTableItem(self.populated, data)
+ self.child_items.append(child)
+ self.populated += 1
+ def Update(self, fetched):
+ if not fetched:
+ self.more = False
+ self.progress.emit(0)
+ child_count = self.child_count
+ count = self.populated - child_count
+ if count > 0:
+ parent = QModelIndex()
+ self.beginInsertRows(parent, child_count, child_count + count - 1)
+ self.insertRows(child_count, count, parent)
+ self.child_count += count
+ self.endInsertRows()
+ self.progress.emit(self.child_count)
+ def FetchMoreRecords(self, count):
+ current = self.child_count
+ if self.more:
+ self.fetcher.Fetch(count)
+ else:
+ self.progress.emit(0)
+ return current
+ def HasMoreRecords(self):
+ return self.more
+# SQL automatic table data model
+class SQLAutoTableModel(SQLTableModel):
+ def __init__(self, glb, table_name, parent=None):
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table_name + " WHERE id > $$last_id$$ ORDER BY id LIMIT " + str(glb_chunk_sz)
+ if table_name == "comm_threads_view":
+ # For now, comm_threads_view has no id column
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table_name + " WHERE comm_id > $$last_id$$ ORDER BY comm_id LIMIT " + str(glb_chunk_sz)
+ self.column_headers = []
+ query = QSqlQuery(glb.db)
+ if glb.dbref.is_sqlite3:
+ QueryExec(query, "PRAGMA table_info(" + table_name + ")")
+ while
+ self.column_headers.append(query.value(1))
+ if table_name == "sqlite_master":
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table_name
+ else:
+ if table_name[:19] == "information_schema.":
+ sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table_name
+ select_table_name = table_name[19:]
+ schema = "information_schema"
+ else:
+ select_table_name = table_name
+ schema = "public"
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '" + schema + "' and table_name = '" + select_table_name + "'")
+ while
+ self.column_headers.append(query.value(0))
+ super(SQLAutoTableModel, self).__init__(glb, sql, len(self.column_headers), parent)
+ def columnCount(self, parent=None):
+ return len(self.column_headers)
+ def columnHeader(self, column):
+ return self.column_headers[column]
+# Base class for custom ResizeColumnsToContents
+class ResizeColumnsToContentsBase(QObject):
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ super(ResizeColumnsToContentsBase, self).__init__(parent)
+ def ResizeColumnToContents(self, column, n):
+ # Using the view's resizeColumnToContents() here is extrememly slow
+ # so implement a crude alternative
+ font = self.view.font()
+ metrics = QFontMetrics(font)
+ max = 0
+ for row in xrange(n):
+ val = self.data_model.child_items[row].data[column]
+ len = metrics.width(str(val) + "MM")
+ max = len if len > max else max
+ val = self.data_model.columnHeader(column)
+ len = metrics.width(str(val) + "MM")
+ max = len if len > max else max
+ self.view.setColumnWidth(column, max)
+ def ResizeColumnsToContents(self):
+ n = min(self.data_model.child_count, 100)
+ if n < 1:
+ # No data yet, so connect a signal to notify when there is
+ self.data_model.rowsInserted.connect(self.UpdateColumnWidths)
+ return
+ columns = self.data_model.columnCount()
+ for i in xrange(columns):
+ self.ResizeColumnToContents(i, n)
+ def UpdateColumnWidths(self, *x):
+ # This only needs to be done once, so disconnect the signal now
+ self.data_model.rowsInserted.disconnect(self.UpdateColumnWidths)
+ self.ResizeColumnsToContents()
+# Table window
+class TableWindow(QMdiSubWindow, ResizeColumnsToContentsBase):
+ def __init__(self, glb, table_name, parent=None):
+ super(TableWindow, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.data_model = LookupCreateModel(table_name + " Table", lambda: SQLAutoTableModel(glb, table_name))
+ self.model = QSortFilterProxyModel()
+ self.model.setSourceModel(self.data_model)
+ self.view = QTableView()
+ self.view.setModel(self.model)
+ self.view.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers)
+ self.view.verticalHeader().setVisible(False)
+ self.view.sortByColumn(-1, Qt.AscendingOrder)
+ self.view.setSortingEnabled(True)
+ self.ResizeColumnsToContents()
+ self.find_bar = FindBar(self, self, True)
+ self.finder = ChildDataItemFinder(self.data_model)
+ self.fetch_bar = FetchMoreRecordsBar(self.data_model, self)
+ self.vbox = VBox(self.view, self.find_bar.Widget(), self.fetch_bar.Widget())
+ self.setWidget(self.vbox.Widget())
+ AddSubWindow(glb.mainwindow.mdi_area, self, table_name + " Table")
+ def Find(self, value, direction, pattern, context):
+ self.view.setFocus()
+ self.find_bar.Busy()
+ self.finder.Find(value, direction, pattern, context, self.FindDone)
+ def FindDone(self, row):
+ self.find_bar.Idle()
+ if row >= 0:
+ self.view.setCurrentIndex(self.model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex()))
+ else:
+ self.find_bar.NotFound()
+# Table list
+def GetTableList(glb):
+ tables = []
+ query = QSqlQuery(glb.db)
+ if glb.dbref.is_sqlite3:
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type IN ( 'table' , 'view' ) ORDER BY name")
+ else:
+ QueryExec(query, "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_type IN ( 'BASE TABLE' , 'VIEW' ) ORDER BY table_name")
+ while
+ tables.append(query.value(0))
+ if glb.dbref.is_sqlite3:
+ tables.append("sqlite_master")
+ else:
+ tables.append("information_schema.tables")
+ tables.append("information_schema.views")
+ tables.append("information_schema.columns")
+ return tables
+# Action Definition
+def CreateAction(label, tip, callback, parent=None, shortcut=None):
+ action = QAction(label, parent)
+ if shortcut != None:
+ action.setShortcuts(shortcut)
+ action.setStatusTip(tip)
+ action.triggered.connect(callback)
+ return action
+# Typical application actions
+def CreateExitAction(app, parent=None):
+ return CreateAction("&Quit", "Exit the application", app.closeAllWindows, parent, QKeySequence.Quit)
+# Typical MDI actions
+def CreateCloseActiveWindowAction(mdi_area):
+ return CreateAction("Cl&ose", "Close the active window", mdi_area.closeActiveSubWindow, mdi_area)
+def CreateCloseAllWindowsAction(mdi_area):
+ return CreateAction("Close &All", "Close all the windows", mdi_area.closeAllSubWindows, mdi_area)
+def CreateTileWindowsAction(mdi_area):
+ return CreateAction("&Tile", "Tile the windows", mdi_area.tileSubWindows, mdi_area)
+def CreateCascadeWindowsAction(mdi_area):
+ return CreateAction("&Cascade", "Cascade the windows", mdi_area.cascadeSubWindows, mdi_area)
+def CreateNextWindowAction(mdi_area):
+ return CreateAction("Ne&xt", "Move the focus to the next window", mdi_area.activateNextSubWindow, mdi_area, QKeySequence.NextChild)
+def CreatePreviousWindowAction(mdi_area):
+ return CreateAction("Pre&vious", "Move the focus to the previous window", mdi_area.activatePreviousSubWindow, mdi_area, QKeySequence.PreviousChild)
+# Typical MDI window menu
+class WindowMenu():
+ def __init__(self, mdi_area, menu):
+ self.mdi_area = mdi_area
+ self.window_menu = menu.addMenu("&Windows")
+ self.close_active_window = CreateCloseActiveWindowAction(mdi_area)
+ self.close_all_windows = CreateCloseAllWindowsAction(mdi_area)
+ self.tile_windows = CreateTileWindowsAction(mdi_area)
+ self.cascade_windows = CreateCascadeWindowsAction(mdi_area)
+ self.next_window = CreateNextWindowAction(mdi_area)
+ self.previous_window = CreatePreviousWindowAction(mdi_area)
+ self.window_menu.aboutToShow.connect(self.Update)
+ def Update(self):
+ self.window_menu.clear()
+ sub_window_count = len(self.mdi_area.subWindowList())
+ have_sub_windows = sub_window_count != 0
+ self.close_active_window.setEnabled(have_sub_windows)
+ self.close_all_windows.setEnabled(have_sub_windows)
+ self.tile_windows.setEnabled(have_sub_windows)
+ self.cascade_windows.setEnabled(have_sub_windows)
+ self.next_window.setEnabled(have_sub_windows)
+ self.previous_window.setEnabled(have_sub_windows)
+ self.window_menu.addAction(self.close_active_window)
+ self.window_menu.addAction(self.close_all_windows)
+ self.window_menu.addSeparator()
+ self.window_menu.addAction(self.tile_windows)
+ self.window_menu.addAction(self.cascade_windows)
+ self.window_menu.addSeparator()
+ self.window_menu.addAction(self.next_window)
+ self.window_menu.addAction(self.previous_window)
+ if sub_window_count == 0:
+ return
+ self.window_menu.addSeparator()
+ nr = 1
+ for sub_window in self.mdi_area.subWindowList():
+ label = str(nr) + " " +
+ if nr < 10:
+ label = "&" + label
+ action = self.window_menu.addAction(label)
+ action.setCheckable(True)
+ action.setChecked(sub_window == self.mdi_area.activeSubWindow())
+ action.triggered.connect(lambda x=nr: self.setActiveSubWindow(x))
+ self.window_menu.addAction(action)
+ nr += 1
+ def setActiveSubWindow(self, nr):
+ self.mdi_area.setActiveSubWindow(self.mdi_area.subWindowList()[nr - 1])
+# Font resize
+def ResizeFont(widget, diff):
+ font = widget.font()
+ sz = font.pointSize()
+ font.setPointSize(sz + diff)
+ widget.setFont(font)
+def ShrinkFont(widget):
+ ResizeFont(widget, -1)
+def EnlargeFont(widget):
+ ResizeFont(widget, 1)
+# Unique name for sub-windows
+def NumberedWindowName(name, nr):
+ if nr > 1:
+ name += " <" + str(nr) + ">"
+ return name
+def UniqueSubWindowName(mdi_area, name):
+ nr = 1
+ while True:
+ unique_name = NumberedWindowName(name, nr)
+ ok = True
+ for sub_window in mdi_area.subWindowList():
+ if == unique_name:
+ ok = False
+ break
+ if ok:
+ return unique_name
+ nr += 1
+# Add a sub-window
+def AddSubWindow(mdi_area, sub_window, name):
+ unique_name = UniqueSubWindowName(mdi_area, name)
+ sub_window.setMinimumSize(200, 100)
+ sub_window.resize(800, 600)
+ sub_window.setWindowTitle(unique_name)
+ sub_window.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose)
+ sub_window.setWindowIcon(
+ = unique_name
+ mdi_area.addSubWindow(sub_window)
+# Main window
+class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
+ def __init__(self, glb, parent=None):
+ super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
+ self.glb = glb
+ self.setWindowTitle("Exported SQL Viewer: " + glb.dbname)
+ self.setWindowIcon(
+ self.setMinimumSize(200, 100)
+ self.mdi_area = QMdiArea()
+ self.mdi_area.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+ self.mdi_area.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+ self.setCentralWidget(self.mdi_area)
+ menu = self.menuBar()
+ file_menu = menu.addMenu("&File")
+ file_menu.addAction(CreateExitAction(, self))
+ edit_menu = menu.addMenu("&Edit")
+ edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("&Find...", "Find items", self.Find, self, QKeySequence.Find))
+ edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("Fetch &more records...", "Fetch more records", self.FetchMoreRecords, self, [QKeySequence(Qt.Key_F8)]))
+ edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("&Shrink Font", "Make text smaller", self.ShrinkFont, self, [QKeySequence("Ctrl+-")]))
+ edit_menu.addAction(CreateAction("&Enlarge Font", "Make text bigger", self.EnlargeFont, self, [QKeySequence("Ctrl++")]))
+ reports_menu = menu.addMenu("&Reports")
+ reports_menu.addAction(CreateAction("Context-Sensitive Call &Graph", "Create a new window containing a context-sensitive call graph", self.NewCallGraph, self))
+ self.EventMenu(GetEventList(glb.db), reports_menu)
+ self.TableMenu(GetTableList(glb), menu)
+ self.window_menu = WindowMenu(self.mdi_area, menu)
+ def Find(self):
+ win = self.mdi_area.activeSubWindow()
+ if win:
+ try:
+ win.find_bar.Activate()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def FetchMoreRecords(self):
+ win = self.mdi_area.activeSubWindow()
+ if win:
+ try:
+ win.fetch_bar.Activate()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def ShrinkFont(self):
+ win = self.mdi_area.activeSubWindow()
+ ShrinkFont(win.view)
+ def EnlargeFont(self):
+ win = self.mdi_area.activeSubWindow()
+ EnlargeFont(win.view)
+ def EventMenu(self, events, reports_menu):
+ branches_events = 0
+ for event in events:
+ event = event.split(":")[0]
+ if event == "branches":
+ branches_events += 1
+ dbid = 0
+ for event in events:
+ dbid += 1
+ event = event.split(":")[0]
+ if event == "branches":
+ label = "All branches" if branches_events == 1 else "All branches " + "(id=" + dbid + ")"
+ reports_menu.addAction(CreateAction(label, "Create a new window displaying branch events", lambda x=dbid: self.NewBranchView(x), self))
+ def TableMenu(self, tables, menu):
+ table_menu = menu.addMenu("&Tables")
+ for table in tables:
+ table_menu.addAction(CreateAction(table, "Create a new window containing a table view", lambda t=table: self.NewTableView(t), self))
+ def NewCallGraph(self):
+ CallGraphWindow(self.glb, self)
+ def NewBranchView(self, event_id):
+ BranchWindow(self.glb, event_id, "", "", self)
+ def NewTableView(self, table_name):
+ TableWindow(self.glb, table_name, self)
+# XED Disassembler
+class xed_state_t(Structure):
+ _fields_ = [
+ ("mode", c_int),
+ ("width", c_int)
+ ]
+class XEDInstruction():
+ def __init__(self, libxed):
+ # Current xed_decoded_inst_t structure is 192 bytes. Use 512 to allow for future expansion
+ xedd_t = c_byte * 512
+ self.xedd = xedd_t()
+ self.xedp = addressof(self.xedd)
+ libxed.xed_decoded_inst_zero(self.xedp)
+ self.state = xed_state_t()
+ self.statep = addressof(self.state)
+ # Buffer for disassembled instruction text
+ self.buffer = create_string_buffer(256)
+ self.bufferp = addressof(self.buffer)
+class LibXED():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.libxed = CDLL("")
+ self.xed_tables_init = self.libxed.xed_tables_init
+ self.xed_tables_init.restype = None
+ self.xed_tables_init.argtypes = []
+ self.xed_decoded_inst_zero = self.libxed.xed_decoded_inst_zero
+ self.xed_decoded_inst_zero.restype = None
+ self.xed_decoded_inst_zero.argtypes = [ c_void_p ]
+ self.xed_operand_values_set_mode = self.libxed.xed_operand_values_set_mode
+ self.xed_operand_values_set_mode.restype = None
+ self.xed_operand_values_set_mode.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_void_p ]
+ self.xed_decoded_inst_zero_keep_mode = self.libxed.xed_decoded_inst_zero_keep_mode
+ self.xed_decoded_inst_zero_keep_mode.restype = None
+ self.xed_decoded_inst_zero_keep_mode.argtypes = [ c_void_p ]
+ self.xed_decode = self.libxed.xed_decode
+ self.xed_decode.restype = c_int
+ self.xed_decode.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_void_p, c_uint ]
+ self.xed_format_context = self.libxed.xed_format_context
+ self.xed_format_context.restype = c_uint
+ self.xed_format_context.argtypes = [ c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int, c_ulonglong, c_void_p, c_void_p ]
+ self.xed_tables_init()
+ def Instruction(self):
+ return XEDInstruction(self)
+ def SetMode(self, inst, mode):
+ if mode:
+ inst.state.mode = 4 # 32-bit
+ inst.state.width = 4 # 4 bytes
+ else:
+ inst.state.mode = 1 # 64-bit
+ inst.state.width = 8 # 8 bytes
+ self.xed_operand_values_set_mode(inst.xedp, inst.statep)
+ def DisassembleOne(self, inst, bytes_ptr, bytes_cnt, ip):
+ self.xed_decoded_inst_zero_keep_mode(inst.xedp)
+ err = self.xed_decode(inst.xedp, bytes_ptr, bytes_cnt)
+ if err:
+ return 0, ""
+ # Use AT&T mode (2), alternative is Intel (3)
+ ok = self.xed_format_context(2, inst.xedp, inst.bufferp, sizeof(inst.buffer), ip, 0, 0)
+ if not ok:
+ return 0, ""
+ # Return instruction length and the disassembled instruction text
+ # For now, assume the length is in byte 166
+ return inst.xedd[166], inst.buffer.value
+def TryOpen(file_name):
+ try:
+ return open(file_name, "rb")
+ except:
+ return None
+def Is64Bit(f):
+ result = sizeof(c_void_p)
+ # ELF support only
+ pos = f.tell()
+ header =
+ magic = header[0:4]
+ eclass = ord(header[4])
+ encoding = ord(header[5])
+ version = ord(header[6])
+ if magic == chr(127) + "ELF" and eclass > 0 and eclass < 3 and encoding > 0 and encoding < 3 and version == 1:
+ result = True if eclass == 2 else False
+ return result
+# Global data
+class Glb():
+ def __init__(self, dbref, db, dbname):
+ self.dbref = dbref
+ self.db = db
+ self.dbname = dbname
+ self.home_dir = os.path.expanduser("~")
+ self.buildid_dir = os.getenv("PERF_BUILDID_DIR")
+ if self.buildid_dir:
+ self.buildid_dir += "/.build-id/"
+ else:
+ self.buildid_dir = self.home_dir + "/.debug/.build-id/"
+ = None
+ self.mainwindow = None
+ self.instances_to_shutdown_on_exit = weakref.WeakSet()
+ try:
+ self.disassembler = LibXED()
+ self.have_disassembler = True
+ except:
+ self.have_disassembler = False
+ def FileFromBuildId(self, build_id):
+ file_name = self.buildid_dir + build_id[0:2] + "/" + build_id[2:] + "/elf"
+ return TryOpen(file_name)
+ def FileFromNamesAndBuildId(self, short_name, long_name, build_id):
+ # Assume current machine i.e. no support for virtualization
+ if short_name[0:7] == "[kernel" and os.path.basename(long_name) == "kcore":
+ file_name = os.getenv("PERF_KCORE")
+ f = TryOpen(file_name) if file_name else None
+ if f:
+ return f
+ # For now, no special handling if long_name is /proc/kcore
+ f = TryOpen(long_name)
+ if f:
+ return f
+ f = self.FileFromBuildId(build_id)
+ if f:
+ return f
+ return None
+ def AddInstanceToShutdownOnExit(self, instance):
+ self.instances_to_shutdown_on_exit.add(instance)
+ # Shutdown any background processes or threads
+ def ShutdownInstances(self):
+ for x in self.instances_to_shutdown_on_exit:
+ try:
+ x.Shutdown()
+ except:
+ pass
+# Database reference
+class DBRef():
+ def __init__(self, is_sqlite3, dbname):
+ self.is_sqlite3 = is_sqlite3
+ self.dbname = dbname
+ def Open(self, connection_name):
+ dbname = self.dbname
+ if self.is_sqlite3:
+ db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QSQLITE", connection_name)
+ else:
+ db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase("QPSQL", connection_name)
+ opts = dbname.split()
+ for opt in opts:
+ if "=" in opt:
+ opt = opt.split("=")
+ if opt[0] == "hostname":
+ db.setHostName(opt[1])
+ elif opt[0] == "port":
+ db.setPort(int(opt[1]))
+ elif opt[0] == "username":
+ db.setUserName(opt[1])
+ elif opt[0] == "password":
+ db.setPassword(opt[1])
+ elif opt[0] == "dbname":
+ dbname = opt[1]
+ else:
+ dbname = opt
+ db.setDatabaseName(dbname)
+ if not
+ raise Exception("Failed to open database " + dbname + " error: " + db.lastError().text())
+ return db, dbname
+# Main
+def Main():
+ if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Usage is: <database name>"
+ raise Exception("Too few arguments")
+ dbname = sys.argv[1]
+ is_sqlite3 = False
+ try:
+ f = open(dbname)
+ if == "SQLite format 3":
+ is_sqlite3 = True
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ dbref = DBRef(is_sqlite3, dbname)
+ db, dbname = dbref.Open("main")
+ glb = Glb(dbref, db, dbname)
+ app = QApplication(sys.argv)
+ = app
+ mainwindow = MainWindow(glb)
+ glb.mainwindow = mainwindow
+ err = app.exec_()
+ glb.ShutdownInstances()
+ db.close()
+ sys.exit(err)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ Main()