What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/enable_source Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Enable/disable tracing on this specific trace entiry. Enabling a source implies the source has been configured properly and a sink has been identidifed for it. The path of coresight components linking the source to the sink is configured and managed automatically by the coresight framework. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/cpu Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) The CPU this tracing entity is associated with. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/nr_pe_cmp Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates the number of PE comparator inputs that are available for tracing. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/nr_addr_cmp Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates the number of address comparator pairs that are available for tracing. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/nr_cntr Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates the number of counters that are available for tracing. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/nr_ext_inp Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates how many external inputs are implemented. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/numcidc Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates the number of Context ID comparators that are available for tracing. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/numvmidc Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates the number of VMID comparators that are available for tracing. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/nrseqstate Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates the number of sequencer states that are implemented. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/nr_resource Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates the number of resource selection pairs that are available for tracing. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/nr_ss_cmp Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (R) Indicates the number of single-shot comparator controls that are available for tracing. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/reset Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (W) Cancels all configuration on a trace unit and set it back to its boot configuration. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/mode Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls various modes supported by this ETM, for example P0 instruction tracing, branch broadcast, cycle counting and context ID tracing. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/pe Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls which PE to trace. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/event Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls the tracing of arbitrary events from bank 0 to 3. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/event_instren Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls the behavior of the events in bank 0 to 3. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/event_ts Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls the insertion of global timestamps in the trace streams. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/syncfreq Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls how often trace synchronization requests occur. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/cyc_threshold Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Sets the threshold value for cycle counting. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/bb_ctrl Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls which regions in the memory map are enabled to use branch broadcasting. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/event_vinst Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls instruction trace filtering. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/s_exlevel_vinst Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) In Secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding exception level. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/ns_exlevel_vinst Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) In non-secure state, each bit controls whether instruction tracing is enabled for the corresponding exception level. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/addr_idx Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Select which address comparator or pair (of comparators) to work with. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/addr_instdatatype Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls what type of comparison the trace unit performs. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/addr_single Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Used to setup single address comparator values. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/addr_range Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Used to setup address range comparator values. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/seq_idx Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Select which sequensor. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/seq_state Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Use this to set, or read, the sequencer state. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/seq_event Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Moves the sequencer state to a specific state. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/seq_reset_event Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Moves the sequencer to state 0 when a programmed event occurs. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/cntr_idx Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Select which counter unit to work with. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/cntrldvr Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) This sets or returns the reload count value of the specific counter. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/cntr_val Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) This sets or returns the current count value of the specific counter. What: /sys/bus/coresight/devices/.etm/cntr_ctrl Date: April 2015 KernelVersion: 4.01 Contact: Mathieu Poirier Description: (RW) Controls the operation of the selected counter.