/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Jernej Skrabec <jernej.skrabec@siol.net> * * Coefficients are taken from BSP driver, which is: * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Allwinner * * This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any * warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. */ #include "sun8i_ui_scaler.h" #include "sun8i_vi_scaler.h" static const u32 lan2coefftab16[240] = { 0x00004000, 0x00033ffe, 0x00063efc, 0x000a3bfb, 0xff0f37fb, 0xfe1433fb, 0xfd192ffb, 0xfd1f29fb, 0xfc2424fc, 0xfb291ffd, 0xfb2f19fd, 0xfb3314fe, 0xfb370fff, 0xfb3b0a00, 0xfc3e0600, 0xfe3f0300, 0xff053804, 0xff083801, 0xff0a3700, 0xff0e34ff, 0xff1232fd, 0xfe162ffd, 0xfd1b2cfc, 0xfd1f28fc, 0xfd2323fd, 0xfc281ffd, 0xfc2c1bfd, 0xfd2f16fe, 0xfd3212ff, 0xff340eff, 0x00360a00, 0x02370700, 0xff083207, 0xff0a3205, 0xff0d3103, 0xfe113001, 0xfe142e00, 0xfe182bff, 0xfe1b29fe, 0xfe1f25fe, 0xfe2222fe, 0xfe251ffe, 0xfe291bfe, 0xff2b18fe, 0x002e14fe, 0x013010ff, 0x03310dff, 0x05310a00, 0xff0a2e09, 0xff0c2e07, 0xff0f2d05, 0xff122c03, 0xfe152b02, 0xfe182901, 0xfe1b2700, 0xff1e24ff, 0xff2121ff, 0xff241eff, 0x00261bff, 0x012818ff, 0x022a15ff, 0x032c12ff, 0x052d0fff, 0x072d0c00, 0xff0c2a0b, 0xff0e2a09, 0xff102a07, 0xff132905, 0xff162803, 0xff182702, 0xff1b2501, 0xff1e2300, 0x00202000, 0x01221d00, 0x01251bff, 0x032618ff, 0x042815ff, 0x052913ff, 0x072a10ff, 0x092a0d00, 0xff0d280c, 0xff0f280a, 0xff112808, 0xff142706, 0xff162605, 0xff192503, 0x001b2302, 0x001d2201, 0x011f1f01, 0x01221d00, 0x02231b00, 0x04241800, 0x052616ff, 0x072713ff, 0x08271100, 0x0a280e00, 0xff0e260d, 0xff10260b, 0xff122609, 0xff142508, 0x00152506, 0x00182305, 0x001b2203, 0x011d2002, 0x011f1f01, 0x02201d01, 0x03221b00, 0x04231801, 0x06241600, 0x08251300, 0x09261100, 0x0b260f00, 0xff0e250e, 0xff10250c, 0x0011250a, 0x00142408, 0x00162307, 0x00182206, 0x011a2104, 0x011c2003, 0x021e1e02, 0x03201c01, 0x04211a01, 0x05221801, 0x07231600, 0x08241400, 0x0a241200, 0x0c241000, 0x000e240e, 0x0010240c, 0x0013230a, 0x00142309, 0x00162208, 0x01182106, 0x011a2005, 0x021b1f04, 0x031d1d03, 0x041e1c02, 0x05201a01, 0x06211801, 0x07221601, 0x09231400, 0x0a231300, 0x0c231100, 0x000f220f, 0x0011220d, 0x0013220b, 0x0015210a, 0x01162108, 0x01182007, 0x02191f06, 0x031a1e05, 0x041c1c04, 0x051d1b03, 0x061f1902, 0x07201801, 0x08211601, 0x0a211500, 0x0b221300, 0x0d221100, 0x0010210f, 0x0011210e, 0x0013210c, 0x0114200b, 0x01161f0a, 0x02171f08, 0x03181e07, 0x031a1d06, 0x041c1c04, 0x051d1a04, 0x071d1903, 0x081e1802, 0x091f1602, 0x0b1f1501, 0x0c211300, 0x0e201200, 0x00102010, 0x0012200e, 0x0013200d, 0x01151f0b, 0x01161f0a, 0x02171e09, 0x03191d07, 0x041a1c06, 0x051b1b05, 0x061c1a04, 0x071d1903, 0x081e1703, 0x0a1f1601, 0x0b1f1501, 0x0d201300, 0x0e201200, 0x00102010, 0x00121f0f, 0x00141f0d, 0x01141f0c, 0x02161e0a, 0x03171d09, 0x03181d08, 0x041a1c06, 0x051b1b05, 0x061c1a04, 0x081c1903, 0x091d1703, 0x0a1e1602, 0x0c1e1501, 0x0d1f1400, 0x0e1f1201, 0x00111e11, 0x00131e0f, 0x01131e0e, 0x02151d0c, 0x02161d0b, 0x03171c0a, 0x04181b09, 0x05191b07, 0x061a1a06, 0x071b1905, 0x091b1804, 0x0a1c1703, 0x0b1d1602, 0x0c1d1502, 0x0e1d1401, 0x0f1e1300, 0x00111e11, 0x00131d10, 0x01141d0e, 0x02151c0d, 0x03161c0b, 0x04171b0a, 0x05171b09, 0x06181a08, 0x07191907, 0x081a1806, 0x091a1805, 0x0a1b1704, 0x0b1c1603, 0x0d1c1502, 0x0e1d1401, 0x0f1d1301, }; static u32 sun8i_ui_scaler_base(struct sun8i_mixer *mixer, int channel) { int vi_num = mixer->cfg->vi_num; if (mixer->cfg->is_de3) return DE3_VI_SCALER_UNIT_BASE + DE3_VI_SCALER_UNIT_SIZE * vi_num + DE3_UI_SCALER_UNIT_SIZE * (channel - vi_num); else return DE2_VI_SCALER_UNIT_BASE + DE2_VI_SCALER_UNIT_SIZE * vi_num + DE2_UI_SCALER_UNIT_SIZE * (channel - vi_num); } static int sun8i_ui_scaler_coef_index(unsigned int step) { unsigned int scale, int_part, float_part; scale = step >> (SUN8I_UI_SCALER_SCALE_FRAC - 3); int_part = scale >> 3; float_part = scale & 0x7; switch (int_part) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return float_part; case 2: return 8 + (float_part >> 1); case 3: return 12; case 4: return 13; default: return 14; } } void sun8i_ui_scaler_enable(struct sun8i_mixer *mixer, int layer, bool enable) { u32 val, base; if (WARN_ON(layer < mixer->cfg->vi_num)) return; base = sun8i_ui_scaler_base(mixer, layer); if (enable) val = SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_CTRL_EN | SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_CTRL_COEFF_RDY; else val = 0; regmap_write(mixer->engine.regs, SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_CTRL(base), val); } void sun8i_ui_scaler_setup(struct sun8i_mixer *mixer, int layer, u32 src_w, u32 src_h, u32 dst_w, u32 dst_h, u32 hscale, u32 vscale, u32 hphase, u32 vphase) { u32 insize, outsize; int i, offset; u32 base; if (WARN_ON(layer < mixer->cfg->vi_num)) return; base = sun8i_ui_scaler_base(mixer, layer); hphase <<= SUN8I_UI_SCALER_PHASE_FRAC - 16; vphase <<= SUN8I_UI_SCALER_PHASE_FRAC - 16; hscale <<= SUN8I_UI_SCALER_SCALE_FRAC - 16; vscale <<= SUN8I_UI_SCALER_SCALE_FRAC - 16; insize = SUN8I_UI_SCALER_SIZE(src_w, src_h); outsize = SUN8I_UI_SCALER_SIZE(dst_w, dst_h); regmap_write(mixer->engine.regs, SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_OUTSIZE(base), outsize); regmap_write(mixer->engine.regs, SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_INSIZE(base), insize); regmap_write(mixer->engine.regs, SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_HSTEP(base), hscale); regmap_write(mixer->engine.regs, SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_VSTEP(base), vscale); regmap_write(mixer->engine.regs, SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_HPHASE(base), hphase); regmap_write(mixer->engine.regs, SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_VPHASE(base), vphase); offset = sun8i_ui_scaler_coef_index(hscale) * SUN8I_UI_SCALER_COEFF_COUNT; for (i = 0; i < SUN8I_UI_SCALER_COEFF_COUNT; i++) regmap_write(mixer->engine.regs, SUN8I_SCALER_GSU_HCOEFF(base, i), lan2coefftab16[offset + i]); }