#![feature(proc_macro_hygiene, decl_macro)] #[macro_use] extern crate rocket; use rspotify::spotify::client::Spotify; use rspotify::spotify::oauth2::{SpotifyClientCredentials, SpotifyOAuth}; use rspotify::spotify::util::get_token; mod serve; fn main() { // Set client_id and client_secret in .env file or // export CLIENT_ID="your client_id" // export CLIENT_SECRET="secret" // export REDIRECT_URI=your-direct-uri // Or set client_id, client_secret,redirect_uri explictly // let oauth = SpotifyOAuth::default() // .client_id("this-is-my-client-id") // .client_secret("this-is-my-client-secret") // .redirect_uri("http://localhost:8888/callback") // .build(); // let mut db = noria::ControllerHandle::from_zk("").unwrap(); //db.ready(); println!("test {:?}", db.url()); db.install_recipe( " CREATE TABLE Article (aid int, title varchar(255), url text, PRIMARY KEY(aid)); CREATE TABLE Vote (aid int, uid int); ", ); println!("test"); // we can then get handles that let us insert into the new tables let mut article = db.table("Article").unwrap(); let mut vote = db.table("Vote").unwrap(); // let's make a new article let aid = 42; let title = "I love Soup"; let url = "https://pdos.csail.mit.edu"; article .insert(vec![aid.into(), title.into(), url.into()]) .unwrap(); // and then vote for it vote.insert(vec![aid.into(), 1.into()]).unwrap(); println!("test"); // we can also declare views that we want want to query db.extend_recipe( " VoteCount: \ SELECT Vote.aid, COUNT(uid) AS votes \ FROM Vote GROUP BY Vote.aid; QUERY ArticleWithVoteCount: \ SELECT Article.aid, title, url, VoteCount.votes AS votes \ FROM Article LEFT JOIN VoteCount ON (Article.aid = VoteCount.aid) \ WHERE Article.aid = ?;", ); // and then get handles that let us execute those queries to fetch their results let mut awvc = db.view("ArticleWithVoteCount").unwrap(); // looking up article 42 should yield the article we inserted with a vote count of 1 assert_eq!( awvc.lookup(&[aid.into()], true).unwrap(), vec![vec![ noria::DataType::from(aid), title.into(), url.into(), 1.into() ]] ); rocket::ignite() .mount("/", routes![serve::token, serve::get_tracks]) .launch(); }