path: root/includes/pages/user_shifts.php
diff options
authorPhilip Häusler <>2011-07-14 19:53:26 +0200
committerPhilip Häusler <>2011-07-14 19:53:26 +0200
commit80bff6bab6e4de9da33d46dc8816f14d1f9dee4a (patch)
tree021627cb887d573ca9d0ba99fa9e6b1ae8a25c48 /includes/pages/user_shifts.php
parent96ce2452dd3a33d4fc5369126105004fe9336953 (diff)
angel shift signup
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/pages/user_shifts.php')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/includes/pages/user_shifts.php b/includes/pages/user_shifts.php
index 72824c6f..cb1a8641 100644
--- a/includes/pages/user_shifts.php
+++ b/includes/pages/user_shifts.php
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
function user_shifts() {
+ global $user, $privileges;
if (isset ($_REQUEST['shift_id'])) {
if (isset ($_REQUEST['shift_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['shift_id']))
$shift_id = $_REQUEST['shift_id'];
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
- $shift = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
+ $shift = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` JOIN `Room` ON (`Shifts`.`RID` = `Room`.`RID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id) . " LIMIT 1");
if (count($shift) == 0)
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
$shift = $shift[0];
@@ -16,9 +18,23 @@ function user_shifts() {
header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
+ $type = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` WHERE `TID`=" . sql_escape($type_id) . " LIMIT 1");
+ if (count($type) == 0)
+ header("Location: " . page_link_to('user_shifts'));
+ $type = $type[0];
+ if (isset ($_REQUEST['submit'])) {
+ $comment = strip_request_item_nl($_REQUEST['comment']);
+ sql_query("INSERT INTO `ShiftEntry` SET `UID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . ", `TID`=" . sql_escape($type_id) . ", `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift_id));
+ return success("Now it's your shift. Thank you!") . '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '">View my shifts &raquo;</a>';
+ }
return template_render('../templates/user_shifts_add.html', array (
'date' => date("Y-m-d H:i", $shift['start']) . ', ' . date("H:i", $shift['end'] - $shift['start']) . 'h',
- 'title' => $shift['name']
+ 'title' => $shift['name'],
+ 'location' => $shift['Name'],
+ 'angel' => $user['Nick'],
+ 'type' => $type['Name']
} else {
$shifts = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` ORDER BY `start`");
@@ -38,21 +54,26 @@ function user_shifts() {
$id = $rooms[0]['RID'];
if (isset ($_REQUEST['room_id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]*$/", $_REQUEST['room_id']))
$id = $_REQUEST['room_id'];
- $day_timestamp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d", $day)->getTimestamp();
+ $day_timestamp = DateTime :: createFromFormat("Y-m-d-Hi", $day . "-0000")->getTimestamp();
$shifts = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Shifts` WHERE `RID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " AND `start` >= " . sql_escape($day_timestamp) . " AND `start` < " . sql_escape($day_timestamp +24 * 60 * 60) . " ORDER BY `start`");
$shifts_table = "";
foreach ($shifts as $shift) {
$shifts_table .= '<tr><td>' . date("H:i", $shift['start']) . ' - ' . date("H:i", $shift['end']) . '</td><td>' . $shift['name'] . '<br />';
$angeltypes = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `RoomAngelTypes` JOIN `AngelTypes` ON (`RoomAngelTypes`.`angel_type_id` = `AngelTypes`.`TID`) WHERE `room_id`=" . sql_escape($id) . " AND `count` > 0 ORDER BY `AngelTypes`.`Name`");
- if (count($angeltypes)) {
+ if (count($angeltypes) > 0) {
+ $my_shift = sql_num_query("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . " AND `UID`=" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . " LIMIT 1") > 0;
foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) {
$shifts_table .= '<b>' . $angeltype['Name'] . ':</b> ';
$entries = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` JOIN `User` ON (`ShiftEntry`.`UID` = `User`.`UID`) WHERE `SID`=" . sql_escape($shift['SID']) . " AND `TID`=" . sql_escape($angeltype['TID']) . " ORDER BY `Nick`");
$entry_list = array ();
+ foreach ($entries as $entry)
+ $entry_list[] = $entry['Nick'];
if ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries) > 0)
- $entry_list[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['TID'] . '">' . ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries)) . ' missing &raquo;</a>';
+ if (!$my_shift || in_array('user_shift_admin', $privileges))
+ $entry_list[] = '<a href="' . page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['TID'] . '">' . ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries)) . ' angel missing &raquo;</a>';
+ else
+ $entry_list[] = ($angeltype['count'] - count($entries)) . ' angel missing';
$shifts_table .= join(", ", $entry_list);
$shifts_table .= '<br />';