path: root/includes/view/Shifts_view.php
diff options
authorPhilip Häusler <>2014-12-25 22:32:18 +0100
committerPhilip Häusler <>2014-12-25 22:32:18 +0100
commite89acc0c1d1188662da7490e3a75a4a5c3950a75 (patch)
treef646260cc23195008f6ca5152426b17641fc4f69 /includes/view/Shifts_view.php
parentbcd33c02c814a8d82c08c078c8fae287d1cd95a5 (diff)
parent544a51612f14c4f3cf7d1c4a6de26a99ea94b788 (diff)
merge feature-shift-types
Diffstat (limited to 'includes/view/Shifts_view.php')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/includes/view/Shifts_view.php b/includes/view/Shifts_view.php
index d0e7d809..00c18572 100644
--- a/includes/view/Shifts_view.php
+++ b/includes/view/Shifts_view.php
@@ -1,7 +1,117 @@
+function Shift_signup_button_render($shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype = null, $user_shifts = null) {
+ global $user;
+ if ($user_angeltype == null) {
+ $user_angeltype = UserAngelType_by_User_and_AngelType($user, $angeltype);
+ if ($user_angeltype === false)
+ engelsystem_error('Unable to load user angeltype.');
+ }
+ if (Shift_signup_allowed($shift, $angeltype, $user_angeltype, $user_shifts))
+ return button(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&shift_id=' . $shift['SID'] . '&type_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _('Sign up'));
+ elseif ($user_angeltype == null)
+ return button(page_link_to('angeltypes') . '&action=view&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], sprintf('Become %s', $angeltype['name']));
+ else
+ return '';
+function Shift_view($shift, $shifttype, $room, $shift_admin, $angeltypes_source, $user_shift_admin, $admin_rooms, $admin_shifttypes, $user_shifts, $signed_up) {
+ $parsedown = new Parsedown();
+ $angeltypes = [];
+ foreach ($angeltypes_source as $angeltype)
+ $angeltypes[$angeltype['id']] = $angeltype;
+ $needed_angels = '';
+ foreach ($shift['NeedAngels'] as $needed_angeltype) {
+ $class = 'progress-bar-warning';
+ if ($needed_angeltype['taken'] == 0)
+ $class = 'progress-bar-danger';
+ if ($needed_angeltype['taken'] >= $needed_angeltype['count'])
+ $class = 'progress-bar-success';
+ $needed_angels .= '<div class="list-group-item">';
+ $needed_angels .= '<div class="pull-right">' . Shift_signup_button_render($shift, $angeltypes[$needed_angeltype['TID']]) . '</div>';
+ $needed_angels .= '<h3>' . AngelType_name_render($angeltypes[$needed_angeltype['TID']]) . '</h3>';
+ $needed_angels .= progress_bar(0, $needed_angeltype['count'], $needed_angeltype['taken'], $class, $needed_angeltype['taken'] . ' / ' . $needed_angeltype['count']);
+ $angels = [];
+ foreach ($shift['ShiftEntry'] as $shift_entry) {
+ if ($shift_entry['TID'] == $needed_angeltype['TID']) {
+ $entry = User_Nick_render(User($shift_entry['UID']));
+ if ($shift_entry['freeloaded'])
+ $entry = '<strike>' . $entry . '</strike>';
+ if ($user_shift_admin) {
+ $entry .= ' <div class="btn-group">';
+ $entry .= button_glyph(page_link_to('user_myshifts') . '&edit=' . $shift['SID'] . '&id=' . $shift_entry['UID'], 'pencil', 'btn-xs');
+ $entry .= button_glyph(page_link_to('user_shifts') . '&entry_id=' . $shift_entry['id'], 'trash', 'btn-xs');
+ $entry .= '</div>';
+ }
+ $angels[] = $entry;
+ }
+ }
+ $needed_angels .= join(', ', $angels);
+ $needed_angels .= '</div>';
+ }
+ return page_with_title($shift['name'] . ' <small class="moment-countdown" data-timestamp="' . $shift['start'] . '">%c</small>', [
+ msg(),
+ Shift_collides($shift, $user_shifts) ? info(_('This shift collides with one of your shifts.'), true) : '',
+ $signed_up ? info(_('You are signed up for this shift.'), true) : '',
+ ($shift_admin || $admin_shifttypes || $admin_rooms) ? buttons([
+ $shift_admin ? button(shift_edit_link($shift), glyph('pencil') . _('edit')) : '',
+ $shift_admin ? button(shift_delete_link($shift), glyph('trash') . _('delete')) : '',
+ $admin_shifttypes ? button(shifttype_link($shifttype), $shifttype['name']) : '',
+ $admin_rooms ? button(room_link($room), glyph('map-marker') . $room['Name']) : ''
+ ]) : '',
+ div('row', [
+ div('col-sm-3 col-xs-6', [
+ '<h4>' . _('Title') . '</h4>',
+ '<p class="lead">' . ($shift['URL'] != '' ? '<a href="' . $shift['URL'] . '">' . $shift['title'] . '</a>' : $shift['title']) . '</p>'
+ ]),
+ div('col-sm-3 col-xs-6', [
+ '<h4>' . _('Start') . '</h4>',
+ '<p class="lead' . (time() >= $shift['start'] ? ' text-success' : '') . '">',
+ glyph('calendar') . date('y-m-d', $shift['start']),
+ '<br />',
+ glyph('time') . date('H:i', $shift['start']),
+ '</p>'
+ ]),
+ div('col-sm-3 col-xs-6', [
+ '<h4>' . _('End') . '</h4>',
+ '<p class="lead' . (time() >= $shift['end'] ? ' text-success' : '') . '">',
+ glyph('calendar') . date('y-m-d', $shift['end']),
+ '<br />',
+ glyph('time') . date('H:i', $shift['end']),
+ '</p>'
+ ]),
+ div('col-sm-3 col-xs-6', [
+ '<h4>' . _('Location') . '</h4>',
+ '<p class="lead">' . glyph('map-marker') . $room['Name'] . '</p>'
+ ])
+ ]),
+ div('row', [
+ div('col-sm-6', [
+ '<h2>' . _('Needed angels') . '</h2>',
+ '<div class="list-group">' . $needed_angels . '</div>'
+ ]),
+ div('col-sm-6', [
+ '<h2>' . _('Description') . '</h2>',
+ $parsedown->parse($shifttype['description'])
+ ])
+ ])
+ ]);
* Calc shift length in format 12:23h.
- * @param Shift $shift
+ *
+ * @param Shift $shift
function shift_length($shift) {
$length = floor(($shift['end'] - $shift['start']) / (60 * 60)) . ":";