path: root/nonpublic/schichtplan_add.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nonpublic/schichtplan_add.php')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nonpublic/schichtplan_add.php b/nonpublic/schichtplan_add.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..33b25d2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nonpublic/schichtplan_add.php
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+$title = "Himmel";
+$header = "Schichtpl&auml;ne";
+include ("./inc/header.php");
+include ("./inc/funktion_user.php");
+include ("./inc/funktion_schichtplan.php");
+include ("./inc/funktionen.php");
+if (isset($newtext) && isset($SID) && isset($TID)) {
+ SetHeaderGo2Back();
+ // datum der einzutragenden schicht heraussuhen...
+ $ShiftSQL = "SELECT `DateS`, `DateE` FROM `Shifts` WHERE `SID`='$SID'";
+ $ShiftErg = mysql_query ($ShiftSQL, $con);
+ $beginSchicht = mysql_result($ShiftErg, 0, "DateS");
+ $endSchicht = mysql_result($ShiftErg, 0, "DateE");
+ // Ueberpruefung, ob der Engel bereits für eine Schicht zu dieser Zeit eingetragen ist
+ $SSQL="SELECT * FROM `Shifts`".
+ " INNER JOIN `ShiftEntry` ON `ShiftEntry`.`SID` = `Shifts`.`SID`".
+ " WHERE ((".
+ " ((`Shifts`.`DateS` >= '$beginSchicht') and ".
+ " (`Shifts`.`DateS` < '$endSchicht'))".
+ " OR ".
+ " ((`Shifts`.`DateE` > '$beginSchicht') and ".
+ " (`Shifts`.`DateE` <= '$endSchicht')) ".
+ ") and ".
+ "(`ShiftEntry`.`UID` = '". $_SESSION['UID']. "'));";
+ $bErg = mysql_query($SSQL, $con);
+ if( mysql_num_rows($bErg) != 0 )
+ echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_AllreadyinShift");
+ else
+ {
+ //ermitteln der noch gesuchten
+ $SQL3 = "SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry`".
+ " WHERE ((`SID` = '$SID') and (`TID` = '$TID') and (`UID` = '0'));";
+ $Erg3 = mysql_query($SQL3, $con);
+ if( mysql_num_rows($Erg3) <= 0 )
+ echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_ToManyYousers");
+ else
+ {
+ //write shift
+ $SQL = "UPDATE `ShiftEntry` SET ".
+ "`UID` = '". $_SESSION['UID']. "', ".
+ "`Comment` = '$newtext' ".
+ "WHERE ((`SID` = '$SID') and (`TID` = '$TID') and (`UID` = '0')) LIMIT 1;";
+ $Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
+ if ($Erg != 1)
+ echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Error");
+ else
+ echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_WriteOK");
+ }//TO Many USERS
+ }//Allready in Shift
+elseif (isset($SID) && isset($TID)) {
+ echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Text1"). "<br><br>\n\n".
+ "<form action=\"./schichtplan_add.php\" method=\"post\">".
+ "<table border=\"0\">";
+ $SQL = "SELECT * FROM `Shifts` WHERE ";
+ $SQL .="(SID = '".$SID."')";
+ $Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con);
+ echo "<tr><td>". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Date"). ":</td> <td>".
+ mysql_result($Erg, 0, "DateS"). "</td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Place"). ":</td> <td>".
+ $RoomID[ mysql_result($Erg, 0, "RID") ]. "</td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Job"). ":</td> <td>".
+ $EngelTypeID[$TID]. "</td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Len"). ":</td> <td>".
+ mysql_result($Erg, 0, "Len"). "h</td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_TextFor"). ":</td> <td>".
+ mysql_result($Erg, 0, "Man"). "</td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td valign='top'>". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Comment"). ":</td>\n <td>".
+ "<textarea name='newtext' cols='50' rows='10'></textarea> </td></tr>\n";
+ echo "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>\n".
+ "<td><input type=\"submit\" value=\"". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_submit"). "\"> </td></tr>\n".
+ "</table>\n".
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SID\" value=\"$SID\">\n".
+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"TID\" value=\"$TID\">\n".
+ "</form>";
+include ("./inc/footer.php");