path: root/tests/Unit/Middleware
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-29Twig update to > 2.11: Fixed namespaces, warnings and cleanupIgor Scheller
2019-11-06Tests: Replaced duplicates and formatting/cleanupIgor Scheller
2019-11-06Tests: Replaced setMethods as it is deprecatedIgor Scheller
2019-07-21ErrorHandler: Remove some form fields before serializationIgor Scheller
2019-07-09Implemented Validation for controllersIgor Scheller
2019-07-08Moved translation helpers to sub namespaceIgor Scheller
2019-06-12Added / route with redirectsIgor Scheller
2019-06-12Added html content snifferIgor Scheller
2019-04-25FormattingIgor Scheller
```bash php-cs-fixer fix --allow-risky=yes --rules=@PSR2,psr4,mb_str_functions.php_unit_construct,php_unit_ordered_covers,trailing_comma_in_multiline_array --rules='{"array_syntax": {"syntax":"short"}}' [tests/|src/] ```
2019-04-25phpunit: Upgrade to version 8, fixed tests, formattingIgor Scheller
Use `dms/phpunit-arraysubset-asserts` after `assertArraySubset` got deprecated
2018-12-28Don't save sessions permanently on api and metrics pathsIgor Scheller
closes #530 (Session on API calls)
2018-12-19ErrorHandler: Don't wrap the response if a content-type is definedIgor Scheller
2018-12-02Implemented controller permissionsIgor Scheller
2018-12-02Refactoring: Throw HttpAuthExpired on csrf token mismatchIgor Scheller
2018-12-02Implemented HttpExceptionIgor Scheller
2018-12-02Moved permission checks to Authenticator classIgor Scheller
2018-11-24Added caching for templating and routingIgor Scheller
See #486 (Implement caching)
2018-11-21Added additional headersIgor Scheller
2018-11-21Added csrf middlewareIgor Scheller
2018-10-31Changed `src/` code and templates to use the new user modelIgor Scheller
2018-09-26RouteDispatcher: Allow installation into sub directoryIgor Scheller
2018-09-23Merge branch 'twig-templates'Igor Scheller
2018-09-15Merge remote-tracking branch 'MyIgel/translations'Igor Scheller
2018-09-09Merge remote-tracking branch 'MyIgel/templating'Igor Scheller
2018-09-04tests: fixed array() returnIgor Scheller
2018-09-03Added CreditsControllerIgor Scheller
2018-08-29Added generic error pagesIgor Scheller
2018-08-29Updated LegacyMiddleware to use Translator classIgor Scheller
2018-08-29Moved translation/internationalization to Helpers\Translator classIgor Scheller
2018-08-25Added nikic/fast-route as routing dispatcherIgor Scheller
2018-08-19Added middleware testsIgor Scheller