INSERT INTO `Privileges` (`id`, `name`, `desc`) VALUES (40, 'view_rooms', 'User can view rooms'); INSERT INTO `GroupPrivileges` (`id`, `group_id`, `privilege_id`) VALUES (NULL, '-2', '40'); ALTER TABLE `UserAngelTypes` CHANGE `coordinator` `supporter` BOOLEAN; ALTER TABLE `User` ADD COLUMN `email_by_human_allowed` BOOLEAN NOT NULL; -- No Self Sign Up for some Angel Types ALTER TABLE AngelTypes ADD no_self_signup TINYINT(1) NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `AngelTypes` ADD `contact_user_id` INT NULL, ADD `contact_name` VARCHAR(250) NULL, ADD `contact_dect` VARCHAR(5) NULL, ADD `contact_email` VARCHAR(250) NULL, ADD INDEX (`contact_user_id`); ALTER TABLE `AngelTypes` ADD FOREIGN KEY (`contact_user_id`) REFERENCES `User`(`UID`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE; INSERT INTO `Privileges` (`id`, `name`, `desc`) VALUES (NULL, 'shiftentry_edit_angeltype_supporter', 'If user with this privilege is angeltype supporter, he can put users in shifts for their angeltype'); -- DB Performance ALTER TABLE `Shifts` ADD INDEX(`start`); ALTER TABLE `NeededAngelTypes` ADD INDEX(`count`); -- Security UPDATE `Groups` SET UID = UID * 10; INSERT INTO `Groups` (Name, UID) VALUES ('News Admin', -65); INSERT INTO `Privileges` (id, name, `desc`) VALUES (42, 'admin_news_html', 'Use HTML in news'); INSERT INTO `GroupPrivileges` (group_id, privilege_id) VALUES (-65, 14), (-65, 42); -- Add log level to LogEntries ALTER TABLE `LogEntries` CHANGE COLUMN `nick` `level` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL; -- Angeltype contact update ALTER TABLE `AngelTypes` DROP FOREIGN KEY angeltypes_ibfk_1; ALTER TABLE `AngelTypes` DROP `contact_user_id`; -- Room update ALTER TABLE `Room` DROP `Number`; ALTER TABLE `Room` DROP `show`; ALTER TABLE `Room` DROP `Man`; ALTER TABLE `Room` ADD `from_frab` BOOLEAN NOT NULL AFTER `FromPentabarf`; UPDATE Room SET `from_frab` = (`FromPentabarf` = 'Y'); ALTER TABLE `Room` DROP `FromPentabarf`; ALTER TABLE `Room` ADD `map_url` VARCHAR(300) NULL AFTER `from_frab`; ALTER TABLE `Room` ADD `description` TEXT NULL AFTER `map_url`; -- Dashboard ALTER TABLE `AngelTypes` ADD `show_on_dashboard` BOOLEAN NOT NULL AFTER `contact_email`; UPDATE `AngelTypes` SET `show_on_dashboard` = TRUE;