has('shift_id') && preg_match('/^\d+$/', $request->input('shift_id'))) { $shift_id = $request->input('shift_id'); } else { redirect(page_link_to('user_shifts')); } // Locations laden $rooms = Rooms(); $room_array = []; foreach ($rooms as $room) { $room_array[$room['RID']] = $room['Name']; } $shift = Shift($shift_id); if ($shift == null) { redirect(page_link_to('user_shifts')); } $shift['Name'] = $room_array[$shift['RID']]; $type_id = null; if ($request->has('type_id') && preg_match('/^\d+$/', $request->input('type_id'))) { $type_id = $request->input('type_id'); } if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges) || in_array('shiftentry_edit_angeltype_supporter', $privileges)) { if($type_id == null) { // If no angeltype id is given, then select first existing angeltype. $needed_angeltypes = NeededAngelTypes_by_shift($shift_id); if(count($needed_angeltypes) > 0) { $type_id = $needed_angeltypes[0]['id']; } } $type = AngelType($type_id); } else { // TODO: Move queries to model $type = DB::selectOne(' SELECT * FROM `UserAngelTypes` JOIN `AngelTypes` ON (`UserAngelTypes`.`angeltype_id` = `AngelTypes`.`id`) WHERE `AngelTypes`.`id` = ? AND ( `AngelTypes`.`restricted` = 0 OR ( `UserAngelTypes`.`user_id` = ? AND NOT `UserAngelTypes`.`confirm_user_id` IS NULL ) ) ', [$type_id, $user['UID']]); } if (empty($type)) { redirect(page_link_to('user_shifts')); } if ( $request->has('user_id') && preg_match('/^\d+$/', $request->input('user_id')) && ( in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges) || in_array('shiftentry_edit_angeltype_supporter', $privileges) ) ) { $user_id = $request->input('user_id'); } else { $user_id = $user['UID']; } $needed_angeltype = NeededAngeltype_by_Shift_and_Angeltype($shift, $type); $shift_entries = ShiftEntries_by_shift_and_angeltype($shift['SID'], $type['id']); $shift_signup_allowed = Shift_signup_allowed( User($user_id), $shift, $type, null, null, $needed_angeltype, $shift_entries ); if (!$shift_signup_allowed->isSignupAllowed()) { error(_('You are not allowed to sign up for this shift. Maybe shift is full or already running.')); redirect(shift_link($shift)); } if ($request->has('submit')) { $selected_type_id = $type_id; if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges) || in_array('shiftentry_edit_angeltype_supporter', $privileges) ) { if (count(DB::select('SELECT `UID` FROM `User` WHERE `UID`=? LIMIT 1', [$user_id])) == 0) { redirect(page_link_to('user_shifts')); } if ( $request->has('angeltype_id') && test_request_int('angeltype_id') && count(DB::select( 'SELECT `id` FROM `AngelTypes` WHERE `id`=? LIMIT 1', [$request->input('angeltype_id')] )) > 0 ) { $selected_type_id = $request->input('angeltype_id'); } } if (count(DB::select( 'SELECT `id` FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `SID`= ? AND `UID` = ?', [$shift['SID'], $user_id])) ) { return error(_('This angel does already have an entry for this shift.'), true); } $freeloaded = isset($shift['freeloaded']) ? $shift['freeloaded'] : false; $freeload_comment = isset($shift['freeload_comment']) ? $shift['freeload_comment'] : ''; if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) { $freeloaded = $request->has('freeloaded'); $freeload_comment = strip_request_item_nl('freeload_comment'); } $comment = strip_request_item_nl('comment'); ShiftEntry_create([ 'SID' => $shift_id, 'TID' => $selected_type_id, 'UID' => $user_id, 'Comment' => $comment, 'freeloaded' => $freeloaded, 'freeload_comment' => $freeload_comment ]); if ( $type['restricted'] == 0 && count(DB::select(' SELECT `UserAngelTypes`.`id` FROM `UserAngelTypes` INNER JOIN `AngelTypes` ON `AngelTypes`.`id` = `UserAngelTypes`.`angeltype_id` WHERE `angeltype_id` = ? AND `user_id` = ? ', [$selected_type_id, $user_id])) == 0 ) { DB::insert( 'INSERT INTO `UserAngelTypes` (`user_id`, `angeltype_id`) VALUES (?, ?)', [$user_id, $selected_type_id] ); } $user_source = User($user_id); engelsystem_log( 'User ' . User_Nick_render($user_source) . ' signed up for shift ' . $shift['name'] . ' from ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $shift['start']) . ' to ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $shift['end']) ); success(_('You are subscribed. Thank you!') . ' ' . _('My shifts') . ' »'); redirect(shift_link($shift)); } $angeltype_select = ''; if (in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges)) { $users = DB::select(' SELECT *, ( SELECT count(*) FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE `freeloaded`=1 AND `ShiftEntry`.`UID`=`User`.`UID` ) AS `freeloaded` FROM `User` ORDER BY `Nick` '); $users_select = []; foreach ($users as $usr) { $users_select[$usr['UID']] = $usr['Nick'] . ($usr['freeloaded'] == 0 ? '' : ' (' . _('Freeloader') . ')'); } $user_text = html_select_key('user_id', 'user_id', $users_select, $user['UID']); $angeltypes_source = DB::select('SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`'); $angeltypes = []; foreach ($angeltypes_source as $angeltype) { $angeltypes[$angeltype['id']] = $angeltype['name']; } $angeltype_select = html_select_key('angeltype_id', 'angeltype_id', $angeltypes, $type['id']); } elseif (in_array('shiftentry_edit_angeltype_supporter', $privileges) && User_is_AngelType_supporter($user, $type)) { $users = Users_by_angeltype($type); $users_select = []; foreach ($users as $usr) { if (!$type['restricted'] || $usr['confirm_user_id'] != null) { $users_select[$usr['UID']] = $usr['Nick']; } } $user_text = html_select_key('user_id', 'user_id', $users_select, $user['UID']); $angeltypes_source = User_angeltypes($user); $angeltypes = []; foreach ($angeltypes_source as $angeltype) { if ($angeltype['supporter']) { $angeltypes[$angeltype['id']] = $angeltype['name']; } $angeltype_select = html_select_key('angeltype_id', 'angeltype_id', $angeltypes, $type['id']); } } else { $user_text = User_Nick_render($user); $angeltype_select = $type['name']; } return ShiftEntry_edit_view( $user_text, date('Y-m-d H:i', $shift['start']) . ' – ' . date('Y-m-d H:i', $shift['end']) . ' (' . shift_length($shift) . ')', $shift['Name'], $shift['name'], $angeltype_select, '', false, null, in_array('user_shifts_admin', $privileges) ); } /** * Load a shift entry from get parameter entry_id. */ function shift_entry_load() { $request = request(); if (!$request->has('entry_id') || !test_request_int('entry_id')) { redirect(page_link_to('user_shifts')); } $shiftEntry = ShiftEntry($request->input('entry_id')); if($shiftEntry == null) { error(_('Shift entry not found.')); redirect(page_link_to('user_shifts')); } return $shiftEntry; } /** * Remove somebody from a shift. */ function shift_entry_delete_controller() { global $user; $request = request(); $shiftEntry = shift_entry_load(); $shift = Shift($shiftEntry['SID']); $angeltype = AngelType($shiftEntry['TID']); $signout_user = User($shiftEntry['UID']); if(!Shift_signout_allowed($shift, $angeltype, $signout_user)) { error(_('You are not allowed to remove this shift entry. If neccessary, ask your supporter or heaven to do so.')); redirect(user_link($signout_user)); } if($request->has('continue')) { ShiftEntry_delete($shiftEntry); success(_('Shift entry removed.')); redirect(shift_link($shift)); } if($user['UID'] == $signout_user['UID']) { return ShiftEntry_delete_view($shiftEntry, $shift, $angeltype, $signout_user); } return ShiftEntry_delete_view_admin($shiftEntry, $shift, $angeltype, $signout_user); }