$room['Name'], 'from_pentabarf' => $room['FromPentabarf'] == 'Y' ? '✓' : '', 'public' => $room['show'] == 'Y' ? '✓' : '', 'actions' => buttons(array( button(page_link_to('admin_rooms') . '&show=edit&id=' . $room['RID'], _("edit"), 'btn-xs'), button(page_link_to('admin_rooms') . '&show=delete&id=' . $room['RID'], _("delete"), 'btn-xs') )) ); if (isset($_REQUEST['show'])) { $msg = ""; $name = ""; $from_pentabarf = ""; $public = 'Y'; $number = ""; $angeltypes_source = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` ORDER BY `name`"); $angeltypes = array(); $angeltypes_count = array(); foreach ($angeltypes_source as $angeltype) { $angeltypes[$angeltype['id']] = $angeltype['name']; $angeltypes_count[$angeltype['id']] = 0; } if (test_request_int('id')) { $room = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Room` WHERE `RID`=" . sql_escape($_REQUEST['id'])); if (count($room) > 0) { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $name = $room[0]['Name']; $from_pentabarf = $room[0]['FromPentabarf']; $public = $room[0]['show']; $needed_angeltypes = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `room_id`=" . sql_escape($id)); foreach ($needed_angeltypes as $needed_angeltype) $angeltypes_count[$needed_angeltype['angel_type_id']] = $needed_angeltype['count']; } else redirect(page_link_to('admin_rooms')); } if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'edit') { if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $ok = true; if (isset($_REQUEST['name']) && strlen(strip_request_item('name')) > 0) $name = strip_request_item('name'); else { $ok = false; $msg .= error(_("Please enter a name."), true); } if (isset($_REQUEST['from_pentabarf'])) $from_pentabarf = 'Y'; else $from_pentabarf = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['public'])) $public = 'Y'; else $public = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['number'])) $number = strip_request_item('number'); else $ok = false; foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype_id => $angeltype) { if (isset($_REQUEST['angeltype_count_' . $angeltype_id]) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,4}$/", $_REQUEST['angeltype_count_' . $angeltype_id])) $angeltypes_count[$angeltype_id] = $_REQUEST['angeltype_count_' . $angeltype_id]; else { $ok = false; $msg .= error(sprintf(_("Please enter needed angels for type %s.", $angeltype)), true); } } if ($ok) { if (isset($id)) { sql_query("UPDATE `Room` SET `Name`='" . sql_escape($name) . "', `FromPentabarf`='" . sql_escape($from_pentabarf) . "', `show`='" . sql_escape($public) . "', `Number`='" . sql_escape($number) . "' WHERE `RID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1"); engelsystem_log("Room updated: " . $name . ", pentabarf import: " . $from_pentabarf . ", public: " . $public . ", number: " . $number); } else { sql_query("INSERT INTO `Room` SET `Name`='" . sql_escape($name) . "', `FromPentabarf`='" . sql_escape($from_pentabarf) . "', `show`='" . sql_escape($public) . "', `Number`='" . sql_escape($number) . "'"); $id = sql_id(); engelsystem_log("Room created: " . $name . ", pentabarf import: " . $from_pentabarf . ", public: " . $public . ", number: " . $number); } sql_query("DELETE FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `room_id`=" . sql_escape($id)); $needed_angeltype_info = array(); foreach ($angeltypes_count as $angeltype_id => $angeltype_count) { $angeltype_source = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `AngelTypes` WHERE `id`=" . sql_escape($angeltype_id) . " LIMIT 1"); if (count($angeltype_source) > 0) { sql_query("INSERT INTO `NeededAngelTypes` SET `room_id`=" . sql_escape($id) . ", `angel_type_id`=" . sql_escape($angeltype_id) . ", `count`=" . sql_escape($angeltype_count)); $needed_angeltype_info[] = $angeltypes_source[0]['name'] . ": " . $angeltype_count; } } engelsystem_log("Set needed angeltypes of room " . $name . " to: " . join(", ", $needed_angeltype_info)); success(_("Room saved.")); redirect(page_link_to("admin_rooms")); } } $angeltypes_count_form = array(); foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype_id => $angeltype) $angeltypes_count_form[] = div('col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-xs-6', array(form_spinner('angeltype_count_' . $angeltype_id, $angeltype, $angeltypes_count[$angeltype_id]))); return page_with_title(admin_rooms_title(), array( buttons(array( button(page_link_to('admin_rooms'), _("back"), 'back') )), $msg, form(array( div('row', array( div('col-md-6', array( form_text('name', _("Name"), $name), form_checkbox('from_pentabarf', _("Frab import"), $from_pentabarf), form_checkbox('public', _("Public"), $public), form_text('number', _("Room number"), $number) )), div('col-md-6', array( div('row', array( div('col-md-12', array( form_info(_("Needed angels:")), )), join($angeltypes_count_form) )) )) )), form_submit('submit', _("Save")) )) )); } elseif ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'delete') { if (isset($_REQUEST['ack'])) { sql_query("DELETE FROM `Room` WHERE `RID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1"); sql_query("DELETE FROM `NeededAngelTypes` WHERE `room_id`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1"); engelsystem_log("Room deleted: " . $name); success(sprintf(_("Room %s deleted."), $name)); redirect(page_link_to('admin_rooms')); } return page_with_title(admin_rooms_title(), array( buttons(array( button(page_link_to('admin_rooms'), _("back"), 'back') )), sprintf(_("Do you want to delete room %s?"), $name), buttons(array( button(page_link_to('admin_rooms') . '&show=delete&id=' . $id . '&ack', _("Delete"), 'delete') )) )); } } return page_with_title(admin_rooms_title(), array( buttons(array( button(page_link_to('admin_rooms') . '&show=edit', _("add")) )), msg(), table(array( 'name' => _("Name"), 'from_pentabarf' => _("Frab import"), 'public' => _("Public"), 'actions' => "" ), $rooms) )); } ?>