getTimestamp(); $bemerkung = strip_request_item_nl('Bemerkung'); $ort = strip_request_item('Ort'); $SQL = "INSERT INTO `Wecken` (`UID`, `Date`, `Ort`, `Bemerkung`) " . "VALUES ('" . sql_escape($user['UID']) . "', '" . sql_escape($date) . "', '" . sql_escape($ort) . "', " . "'" . sql_escape($bemerkung) . "')"; sql_query($SQL); $html .= success(Get_Text(4)); } else $html .= error("Broken date!"); break; case 'delete' : if (isset ($_REQUEST['id']) && preg_match("/^[0-9]{1,11}$/", $_REQUEST['id'])) $id = $_REQUEST['id']; else return error("Incomplete call, missing wake-up ID."); $wakeup = sql_select("SELECT * FROM `Wecken` WHERE `ID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1"); if (count($wakeup) > 0 && $wakeup[0]['UID'] == $user['UID']) { sql_query("DELETE FROM `Wecken` WHERE `ID`=" . sql_escape($id) . " LIMIT 1"); $html .= success("Wake-up call deleted."); } else return error("No wake-up found."); break; } } $html .= "

" . Get_Text("Hello") . $user['Nick'] . ",
" . Get_Text("pub_wake_beschreibung") . "

\n\n"; $html .= Get_Text("pub_wake_beschreibung2"); $html .= ' '; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `Wecken` ORDER BY `Date` ASC"; $Erg = sql_query($sql); $count = mysql_num_rows($Erg); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $row = mysql_fetch_row($Erg); $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; if (mysql_result($Erg, $i, "UID") == $user['UID']) $html .= ''; else $html .= ''; $html .= ''; } $html .= '
' . Get_Text("pub_wake_Datum") . ' ' . Get_Text("pub_waeckliste_Nick") . ' ' . Get_Text("pub_wake_Ort") . ' ' . Get_Text("pub_wake_Bemerkung") . '
' . date("Y-m-d H:i", mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Date")) . ' ' . UID2Nick(mysql_result($Erg, $i, "UID")) . ' ' . mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Ort") . ' ' . mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Bemerkung") . ' " . Get_Text("pub_wake_del") . '

' . Get_Text("pub_wake_Text2"); $html .= template_render('../templates/user_wakeup.html', array ( 'wakeup_link' => page_link_to("user_wakeup"), 'date_text' => Get_Text("pub_wake_Datum"), 'date_value' => date("Y-m-d H:i"), 'place_text' => Get_Text("pub_wake_Ort"), 'comment_text' => Get_Text("pub_wake_Ort"), 'comment_value' => "Knock knock Leo, follow the white rabbit to the blue tent", 'submit_text' => Get_Text("pub_wake_button") )); return $html; } ?>