' . ($angeltype['restricted'] ? glyph('lock') : '') . $angeltype['name'] . ''; } /** * Render angeltype membership state * * @param UserAngelType $user_angeltype * UserAngelType and AngelType * @return string */ function AngelType_render_membership($user_angeltype) { $membership = ""; if ($user_angeltype['user_angeltype_id'] != null) { if ($user_angeltype['restricted']) { if ($user_angeltype['confirm_user_id'] == null) $membership = glyph('lock') . _("Unconfirmed"); elseif ($user_angeltype['coordinator']) $membership = glyph_bool(true) . _("Coordinator"); else $membership = glyph_bool(true) . _("Member"); } elseif ($user_angeltype['coordinator']) $membership = glyph_bool(true) . _("Coordinator"); else $membership = glyph_bool(true) . _("Member"); } else { $membership = glyph_bool(false); } return $membership; } function AngelType_delete_view($angeltype) { return page_with_title(sprintf(_("Delete angeltype %s"), $angeltype['name']), array( info(sprintf(_("Do you want to delete angeltype %s?"), $angeltype['name']), true), buttons(array( button(page_link_to('angeltypes'), _("cancel"), 'cancel'), button(page_link_to('angeltypes') . '&action=delete&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'] . '&confirmed', _("delete"), 'ok') )) )); } function AngelType_edit_view($name, $restricted, $description, $coordinator_mode) { return page_with_title(sprintf(_("Edit %s"), $name), array( buttons(array( button(page_link_to('angeltypes'), _("Angeltypes"), 'back') )), msg(), form(array( $coordinator_mode ? form_info(_("Name"), $name) : form_text('name', _("Name"), $name), $coordinator_mode ? form_info(_("Restricted"), $restricted ? _("Yes") : _("No")) : form_checkbox('restricted', _("Restricted"), $restricted), form_info("", _("Restricted angel types can only be used by an angel if enabled by an archangel (double opt-in).")), form_textarea('description', _("Description"), $description), form_info("", _("Please use markdown for the description.")), form_submit('submit', _("Save")) )) )); } function AngelType_view($angeltype, $members, $user_angeltype, $admin_user_angeltypes, $admin_angeltypes, $coordinator) { $buttons = array( button(page_link_to('angeltypes'), _("Angeltypes"), 'back') ); if ($user_angeltype == null) $buttons[] = button(page_link_to('user_angeltypes') . '&action=add&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("join"), 'add'); else { if ($angeltype['restricted'] && $user_angeltype['confirm_user_id'] == null) error(sprintf(_("You are unconfirmed for this angeltype. Please go to the introduction for %s to get confirmed."), $angeltype['name'])); $buttons[] = button(page_link_to('user_angeltypes') . '&action=delete&user_angeltype_id=' . $user_angeltype['id'], _("leave"), 'cancel'); } if ($admin_angeltypes || $coordinator) $buttons[] = button(page_link_to('angeltypes') . '&action=edit&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("edit"), 'edit'); if ($admin_angeltypes) $buttons[] = button(page_link_to('angeltypes') . '&action=delete&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("delete"), 'delete'); $page = array( msg(), buttons($buttons) ); $page[] = '

' . _("Description") . '

'; $parsedown = new Parsedown(); if ($angeltype['description'] != "") $page[] = '
' . $parsedown->parse($angeltype['description']) . '
'; // Team-Coordinators list missing $coordinators = array(); $members_confirmed = array(); $members_unconfirmed = array(); foreach ($members as $member) { $member['Nick'] = User_Nick_render($member); if ($angeltype['restricted'] && $member['confirm_user_id'] == null) { $member['actions'] = join(" ", array( '' . _("confirm") . '', '' . _("deny") . '' )); $members_unconfirmed[] = $member; } elseif ($member['coordinator']) { if ($admin_angeltypes) $member['actions'] = '' . _("Remove coordinator rights") . ''; else $member['actions'] = ''; $coordinators[] = $member; } else { if ($admin_user_angeltypes) $member['actions'] = join(" ", array( $admin_angeltypes ? '' . _("Add coordinator rights") . '' : '', '' . _("remove") . '' )); $members_confirmed[] = $member; } } if (count($coordinators) > 0) { $page[] = '

' . _("Coordinators") . '

'; $page[] = table(array( 'Nick' => _("Nick"), 'DECT' => _("DECT"), 'actions' => "" ), $coordinators); } $page[] = '

' . _("Members") . '

'; if ($admin_user_angeltypes) $page[] = buttons(array( button(page_link_to('user_angeltypes') . '&action=add&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("Add"), 'add') )); $page[] = table(array( 'Nick' => _("Nick"), 'DECT' => _("DECT"), 'actions' => "" ), $members_confirmed); if ($admin_user_angeltypes && $angeltype['restricted'] && count($members_unconfirmed) > 0) { $page[] = '

' . _("Unconfirmed") . '

'; $page[] = buttons(array( button(page_link_to('user_angeltypes') . '&action=confirm_all&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("confirm all"), 'ok'), button(page_link_to('user_angeltypes') . '&action=delete_all&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("deny all"), 'cancel') )); $page[] = table(array( 'Nick' => _("Nick"), 'DECT' => _("DECT"), 'actions' => "" ), $members_unconfirmed); } return page_with_title(sprintf(_("Team %s"), $angeltype['name']), $page); } /** * Display the list of angeltypes. * * @param array $angeltypes */ function AngelTypes_list_view($angeltypes, $admin_angeltypes) { return page_with_title(angeltypes_title(), array( msg(), buttons(array( $admin_angeltypes ? button(page_link_to('angeltypes') . '&action=edit', _("New angeltype"), 'add') : '', button(page_link_to('angeltypes') . '&action=about', _("Teams/Job description")) )), table(array( 'name' => _("Name"), 'restricted' => glyph('lock') . _("Restricted"), 'membership' => _("Membership"), 'actions' => "" ), $angeltypes) )); } function AngelTypes_about_view($angeltypes, $user_logged_in) { global $faq_url; $content = array( buttons(array( ! $user_logged_in ? button(page_link_to('register'), register_title()) : '', ! $user_logged_in ? button(page_link_to('login'), login_title()) : '', $user_logged_in ? button(page_link_to('angeltypes'), angeltypes_title(), 'back') : '', button($faq_url, _("FAQ"), "btn-primary") )), '

' . _("Here is the list of teams and their tasks. If you have questions, read the FAQ.") . '

', '
' ); $parsedown = new Parsedown(); foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) { $content[] = '

' . $angeltype['name'] . '

'; if (isset($angeltype['user_angeltype_id'])) { $buttons = array(); if ($angeltype['user_angeltype_id'] != null) $buttons[] = button(page_link_to('user_angeltypes') . '&action=delete&user_angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['user_angeltype_id'], _("leave"), 'cancel'); else $buttons[] = button(page_link_to('user_angeltypes') . '&action=add&angeltype_id=' . $angeltype['id'], _("join"), 'add'); $content[] = buttons($buttons); } if ($angeltype['restricted']) $content[] = info(_("This angeltype is restricted by double-opt-in by a team coordinator. Please show up at the according introduction meetings."), true); if ($angeltype['description'] != "") $content[] = '
' . $parsedown->parse($angeltype['description']) . '
'; $content[] = '
'; } return page_with_title(_("Teams/Job description"), $content); } ?>