' . $shifttype['name'] . ''; } return $shifttype['name']; } /** * @param array $shifttype * @return string */ function ShiftType_delete_view($shifttype) { return page_with_title(sprintf(__('Delete shifttype %s'), $shifttype['name']), [ info(sprintf(__('Do you want to delete shifttype %s?'), $shifttype['name']), true), form([ buttons([ button(page_link_to('shifttypes'), glyph('remove') . __('cancel')), form_submit( 'delete', glyph('ok') . __('delete'), 'btn-danger', false ), ]), ]), ]); } /** * @param string $name * @param int $angeltype_id * @param array[] $angeltypes * @param string $description * @param int|bool $shifttype_id * @return string */ function ShiftType_edit_view($name, $angeltype_id, $angeltypes, $description, $shifttype_id) { $angeltypes_select = [ '' => __('All') ]; foreach ($angeltypes as $angeltype) { $angeltypes_select[$angeltype['id']] = $angeltype['name']; } return page_with_title($shifttype_id ? __('Edit shifttype') : __('Create shifttype'), [ msg(), buttons([ button(page_link_to('shifttypes'), shifttypes_title(), 'back') ]), form([ form_text('name', __('Name'), $name), form_select('angeltype_id', __('Angeltype'), $angeltypes_select, $angeltype_id), form_textarea('description', __('Description'), $description), form_info('', __('Please use markdown for the description.')), form_submit('submit', __('Save')) ]) ]); } /** * @param array $shifttype * @param array $angeltype * @return string */ function ShiftType_view($shifttype, $angeltype) { $parsedown = new Parsedown(); $title = $shifttype['name']; if ($angeltype) { $title .= ' ' . sprintf(__('for team %s'), $angeltype['name']) . ''; } return page_with_title($title, [ msg(), buttons([ button(page_link_to('shifttypes'), shifttypes_title(), 'back'), $angeltype ? button( page_link_to('angeltypes', ['action' => 'view', 'angeltype_id' => $angeltype['id']]), $angeltype['name'] ) : '', button( page_link_to('shifttypes', ['action' => 'edit', 'shifttype_id' => $shifttype['id']]), __('edit'), 'edit' ), button( page_link_to('shifttypes', ['action' => 'delete', 'shifttype_id' => $shifttype['id']]), __('delete'), 'delete' ) ]), heading(__('Description'), 2), $parsedown->parse($shifttype['description']) ]); } /** * @param array[] $shifttypes * @return string */ function ShiftTypes_list_view($shifttypes) { foreach ($shifttypes as &$shifttype) { $shifttype['name'] = '' . $shifttype['name'] . ''; $shifttype['actions'] = table_buttons([ button( page_link_to( 'shifttypes', ['action' => 'edit', 'shifttype_id' => $shifttype['id']] ), __('edit'), 'btn-xs' ), button( page_link_to('shifttypes', ['action' => 'delete', 'shifttype_id' => $shifttype['id']]), __('delete'), 'btn-xs' ) ]); } return page_with_title(shifttypes_title(), [ msg(), buttons([ button(page_link_to('shifttypes', ['action' => 'edit']), __('New shifttype'), 'add') ]), table([ 'name' => __('Name'), 'actions' => '' ], $shifttypes) ]); }