/** * Runs through the DOM under the element with the given id, finds all * checkboxes and sets them to the wanted state. * * @param String * id Id of the element containing all the checkboxes * @param Boolean * checked True if the checkboxes should be checked */ function checkAll(id, checked) { var obj = document.getElementById(id); var boxes = obj.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) { if (boxes[i].type === "checkbox" && !boxes[i].disabled) { boxes[i].checked = checked; } } } /** * @param {moment} date */ function formatDay(date) { return date.format('YYYY-MM-DD') } /** * @param {moment} date */ function formatTime(date) { return date.format('HH:mm') } /** * @param {moment} from * @param {moment} to */ function setInput(from, to) { var from_day = $('#start_day'), from_time = $('#start_time'), to_day = $('#end_day'), to_time = $('#end_time'); from_day.val(formatDay(from)); from_time.val(formatTime(from)); to_day.val(formatDay(to)); to_time.val(formatTime(to)); } function setDay(days) { days = days || 0; var from = moment(); from.hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0); from.add(days, 'd'); var to = from.clone(); to.hours(23).minutes(59); setInput(from, to) } function setHours(hours) { hours = hours || 1; var from = moment(); var to = from.clone(); to.add(hours, 'h'); if (to < from) { setInput(to, from); return; } setInput(from, to); } $(function () { /** * Disable every submit button after clicking (to prevent double-clicking) */ $("form").submit(function (ev) { $("input[type='submit']").prop("readonly", true).addClass("disabled"); return true; }); });