app = $app; $this->schema = $schema; $this->output = function () { }; } /** * Run a migration * * @param string $path * @param string $type (up|down) * @param bool $oneStep */ public function run($path, $type = self::UP, $oneStep = false) { $this->initMigration(); $migrations = $this->getMigrations($path); $migrated = $this->getMigrated(); if ($type == self::DOWN) { $migrations = array_reverse($migrations, true); } foreach ($migrations as $file => $migration) { if ( ($type == self::UP && $migrated->contains('migration', $migration)) || ($type == self::DOWN && !$migrated->contains('migration', $migration)) ) { call_user_func($this->output, 'Skipping ' . $migration); continue; } call_user_func($this->output, 'Migrating ' . $migration . ' (' . $type . ')'); $this->migrate($file, $migration, $type); $this->setMigrated($migration, $type); if ($oneStep) { return; } } } /** * Get all migrated migrations * * @return Collection */ protected function getMigrated() { return $this->getTableQuery()->get(); } /** * Migrate a migration * * @param string $file * @param string $migration * @param string $type (up|down) */ protected function migrate($file, $migration, $type = self::UP) { require_once $file; $className = Str::studly(preg_replace('/\d+_/', '', $migration)); /** @var Migration $class */ $class = $this->app->make($className); if (method_exists($class, $type)) { $class->{$type}(); } } /** * Set a migration to migrated * * @param string $migration * @param string $type (up|down) */ protected function setMigrated($migration, $type = self::UP) { $table = $this->getTableQuery(); if ($type == self::DOWN) { $table->where(['migration' => $migration])->delete(); return; } $table->insert(['migration' => $migration]); } /** * Get a list of migration files * * @param string $dir * @return array */ protected function getMigrations($dir) { $files = $this->getMigrationFiles($dir); $migrations = []; foreach ($files as $dir) { $name = str_replace('.php', '', basename($dir)); $migrations[$dir] = $name; } asort($migrations); return $migrations; } /** * List all migration files from the given directory * * @param string $dir * @return array */ protected function getMigrationFiles($dir) { return glob($dir . '/*_*.php'); } /** * Setup migration tables */ protected function initMigration() { if ($this->schema->hasTable($this->table)) { return; } $this->schema->create($this->table, function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('migration'); }); } /** * Init a table query * * @return Builder */ protected function getTableQuery() { return $this->schema->getConnection()->table($this->table); } /** * Set the output function * * @param callable $output */ public function setOutput(callable $output) { $this->output = $output; } }