= '$beginSchicht') and ". " (`Shifts`.`DateS` < '$endSchicht'))". " OR ". " ((`Shifts`.`DateE` > '$beginSchicht') and ". " (`Shifts`.`DateE` <= '$endSchicht')) ". ") and ". "(`ShiftEntry`.`UID` = '". $_SESSION['UID']. "'));"; $bErg = mysql_query($SSQL, $con); if( mysql_num_rows($bErg) != 0 ) echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_AllreadyinShift"); else { //ermitteln der noch gesuchten $SQL3 = "SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry`". " WHERE ((`SID` = '". $_POST["SID"]. "') and (`TID` = '". $_POST["TID"]. "') and (`UID` = '0'));"; $Erg3 = mysql_query($SQL3, $con); if( mysql_num_rows($Erg3) <= 0 ) echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_ToManyYousers"); else { //write shift $SQL = "UPDATE `ShiftEntry` SET ". "`UID` = '". $_SESSION['UID']. "', ". "`Comment` = '". $_POST["newtext"]. "' ". "WHERE ( (`SID` = '". $_POST["SID"]. "') and ". "(`TID` = '". $_POST["TID"]. "') and ". "(`UID` = '0')) LIMIT 1;"; $Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con); if ($Erg != 1) echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Error"); else echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_WriteOK"); }//TO Many USERS }//Allready in Shift } elseif (isset($_GET["SID"]) && isset($_GET["TID"])) { echo Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Text1"). "

\n\n". "
\n". "\n"; $SQL = "SELECT * FROM `Shifts` WHERE "; $SQL .="(SID = '". $_GET["SID"]. "')"; $Erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n \n"; echo "\n". "\n". "
". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Date"). ": ". mysql_result($Erg, 0, "DateS"). "
". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Place"). ": ". $RoomID[ mysql_result($Erg, 0, "RID") ]. "
". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Job"). ": ". $EngelTypeID[$_GET["TID"]]. "
". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Len"). ": ". mysql_result($Erg, 0, "Len"). "h
". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_TextFor"). ": ". mysql_result($Erg, 0, "Man"). "
". Get_Text("pub_schichtplan_add_Comment"). ":". "
\n". "\n". "\n". "
"; } include ("./inc/footer.php"); ?>