\n"; echo Get_Text("pub_mywake_beschreibung1") . "
\n"; echo Get_Text("pub_mywake_beschreibung2") . "

\n"; echo Get_Text("pub_mywake_beschreibung3") . ($LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN) . Get_Text("pub_mywake_beschreibung4") . "

\n"; $USER_ID = $_SESSION['UID']; if ($_SESSION['CVS']["admin/schichtplan.php"] == "Y") { if (!isset ($_GET["UIDs"])) $_GET["UIDs"] = $_SESSION['UID']; else $USER_ID = $_GET["UIDs"]; echo "
"; echo "Liste von anzeigen.\n"; echo mysql_error($con); echo "\n"; echo "
"; } $SQL = "SELECT *, `ShiftEntry`.`Comment`, `ShiftEntry`.`TID` FROM `Shifts` " . "INNER JOIN `ShiftEntry` " . "ON `Shifts`.`SID`=`ShiftEntry`.`SID` " . "WHERE `ShiftEntry`.`UID`='$USER_ID' " . "ORDER BY `DateS`"; $erg = mysql_query($SQL, $con); ?> "; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; // bis $LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN (aus dem config-file) soll es moeglich sein, seine Schichten //// selber noch austragen zu koennen... $schichtdate = mysql_result($erg, $i, "DateS"); ereg("^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})", $schichtdate, $res); $info["year"] = $res[1]; $info["month"] = $res[2]; $info["day"] = $res[3]; $info["hour"] = $res[4]; $info["min"] = $res[5]; $info["sec"] = $res[6]; $schichtdatum = (mktime($info["hour"], $info["min"], $info["sec"], $info["month"], $info["day"], $info["year"])); $lastAustragen = $LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN * 3600; $nowdate = time(); // wenn Schichtbeginn > jetziges Datum + $LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN - Stunden soll ein Austragen // noch m�glich sein if ($schichtdatum > ($lastAustragen + $nowdate)) echo "\n"; else echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "
" . substr(mysql_result($erg, $i, "DateS"), 0, 10) . "" . substr(mysql_result($erg, $i, "DateS"), 11) . "" . mysql_result($erg, $i, "Len") . " h" . mysql_result($erg, $i, "Man") . "" . $RoomID[mysql_result($erg, $i, "RID")] . "
\n" . "(" . TID2Type(mysql_result($erg, $i, "TID")) . Get_Text("inc_schicht_engel") . ")" . "
\n" .
		mysql_result($erg, $i, "Comment") .
\n"; echo "
# vi #
" . Get_Text("pub_mywake_austragen") . "" . Get_Text("pub_mywake_austragen_n_c") . "
\n\n"; if ($_SESSION['CVS']["nonpublic/myschichtplan_ical.php"] == "Y") { echo "
" . Get_Text("pub_myschichtplan_ical") . "\n"; } } else { If ($_GET["action"] == "austragen") { echo Get_Text("pub_mywake_delate1") . "
\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `Shifts` WHERE (`SID` = '" . $_GET["SID"] . "')"; $Erg = mysql_query($sql, $con); $schichtdate = mysql_result($Erg, 0, "DateS"); ereg("^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})", $schichtdate, $res); $info["year"] = $res[1]; $info["month"] = $res[2]; $info["day"] = $res[3]; $info["hour"] = $res[4]; $info["min"] = $res[5]; $info["sec"] = $res[6]; $schichtdatum = (mktime($info["hour"], $info["min"], $info["sec"], $info["month"], $info["day"], $info["year"])); $lastAustragen = $LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN * 3600; $nowdate = time(); // wenn Schichtbeginn > jetziges Datum + $LETZTES_AUSTRAGEN - Stunden soll ein Austragen // noch m�glich sein if ($schichtdatum > ($lastAustragen + $nowdate)) { $sql2 = "UPDATE `ShiftEntry` " . "SET `UID` = '0', `Comment` = NULL " . "WHERE `SID` = '" . $_GET["SID"] . "' AND `UID` = '" . $_SESSION['UID'] . "' LIMIT 1;"; $Erg2 = mysql_query($sql2, $con); if ($Erg2 == 1) echo Get_Text("pub_mywake_add_ok") . "\n"; else echo Get_Text("pub_mywake_add_ko") . "\n"; } else echo Get_Text("pub_mywake_after") . "\n"; } elseif ($_GET["action"] == "edit") { echo Get_Text("pub_myshift_Edit_Text1") . "\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `ShiftEntry` WHERE "; $sql .= "(`SID`='" . $_GET["SID"] . "' AND `UID`='" . $_SESSION['UID'] . "')"; $Erg = mysql_query($sql, $con); echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; } elseif ($_GET["action"] == "editSave") { echo Get_Text("pub_myshift_EditSave_Text1") . "
\n"; $sql = "UPDATE `ShiftEntry` " . "SET `Comment` = '" . $_GET["newtext"] . "' " . "WHERE `SID`='" . $_GET["SID"] . "' AND `UID`='" . $_SESSION['UID'] . "' LIMIT 1;"; $Erg = mysql_query($sql, $con); if ($Erg == 1) echo " ..." . Get_Text("pub_myshift_EditSave_OK") . "\n"; else echo " ..." . Get_Text("pub_myshift_EditSave_KO") . "\n"; SetHeaderGo2Back(); } } include ("includes/footer.php"); ?>