path: root/drivers/gpu/drm/amd
diff options
authorAlex Deucher <>2021-01-21 14:17:03 -0500
committerAlex Deucher <>2021-07-01 00:24:39 -0400
commitf400b6cec81e98454e9e3d4e49e163154a99a68d (patch)
tree85b2663f4aab14d9335303a3fcf054f97ac325ff /drivers/gpu/drm/amd
parent5125c96a9d87fbfdc8bb01e37b5d28c0e15ea108 (diff)
drm/amdgpu/pm: rework i2c xfers on arcturus (v5)
Make it generic so we can support more than just EEPROMs. v2: fix restart handling between transactions. v3: handle 7 to 8 bit addr conversion v4: Fix &req --> req. (Luben T) v5: squash in i2c channel fix Signed-off-by: Alex Deucher <> Signed-off-by: Luben Tuikov <> Reviewed-by: Luben Tuikov <>
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/gpu/drm/amd')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/smu11/arcturus_ppt.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/smu11/arcturus_ppt.c
index 094df6f87cfc..d645f00345ff 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/smu11/arcturus_ppt.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/pm/swsmu/smu11/arcturus_ppt.c
@@ -1936,197 +1936,84 @@ static int arcturus_dpm_set_vcn_enable(struct smu_context *smu, bool enable)
return ret;
-static void arcturus_fill_i2c_req(SwI2cRequest_t *req, bool write,
- uint8_t address, uint32_t numbytes,
- uint8_t *data)
- int i;
- req->I2CcontrollerPort = 0;
- req->I2CSpeed = 2;
- req->SlaveAddress = address;
- req->NumCmds = numbytes;
- for (i = 0; i < numbytes; i++) {
- SwI2cCmd_t *cmd = &req->SwI2cCmds[i];
- /* First 2 bytes are always write for lower 2b EEPROM address */
- if (i < 2)
- cmd->Cmd = 1;
- else
- cmd->Cmd = write;
- /* Add RESTART for read after address filled */
- cmd->CmdConfig |= (i == 2 && !write) ? CMDCONFIG_RESTART_MASK : 0;
- /* Add STOP in the end */
- cmd->CmdConfig |= (i == (numbytes - 1)) ? CMDCONFIG_STOP_MASK : 0;
- /* Fill with data regardless if read or write to simplify code */
- cmd->RegisterAddr = data[i];
- }
-static int arcturus_i2c_read_data(struct i2c_adapter *control,
- uint8_t address,
- uint8_t *data,
- uint32_t numbytes)
+static int arcturus_i2c_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap,
+ struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num)
- uint32_t i, ret = 0;
- SwI2cRequest_t req;
- struct amdgpu_device *adev = to_amdgpu_device(control);
+ struct amdgpu_device *adev = to_amdgpu_device(i2c_adap);
struct smu_table_context *smu_table = &adev->smu.smu_table;
struct smu_table *table = &smu_table->driver_table;
- if (numbytes > MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS) {
- dev_err(adev->dev, "numbytes requested %d is over max allowed %d\n",
- numbytes, MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS);
- return -EINVAL;
+ SwI2cRequest_t *req, *res = (SwI2cRequest_t *)table->cpu_addr;
+ u16 bytes_to_transfer, remaining_bytes, msg_bytes;
+ u16 available_bytes = MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS;
+ int i, j, r, c;
+ u8 slave;
+ /* only support a single slave addr per transaction */
+ slave = msgs[0].addr;
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ if (slave != msgs[i].addr)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ bytes_to_transfer += min(msgs[i].len, available_bytes);
+ available_bytes -= bytes_to_transfer;
- memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
- arcturus_fill_i2c_req(&req, false, address, numbytes, data);
- mutex_lock(&adev->smu.mutex);
- /* Now read data starting with that address */
- ret = smu_cmn_update_table(&adev->smu, SMU_TABLE_I2C_COMMANDS, 0, &req,
- true);
- mutex_unlock(&adev->smu.mutex);
- if (!ret) {
- SwI2cRequest_t *res = (SwI2cRequest_t *)table->cpu_addr;
- /* Assume SMU fills res.SwI2cCmds[i].Data with read bytes */
- for (i = 0; i < numbytes; i++)
- data[i] = res->SwI2cCmds[i].Data;
- dev_dbg(adev->dev, "arcturus_i2c_read_data, address = %x, bytes = %d, data :",
- (uint16_t)address, numbytes);
+ req = kzalloc(sizeof(*req), GFP_KERNEL);
+ if (!req)
+ return -ENOMEM;
- print_hex_dump(KERN_DEBUG, "data: ", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE,
- 8, 1, data, numbytes, false);
- } else
- dev_err(adev->dev, "arcturus_i2c_read_data - error occurred :%x", ret);
+ req->I2CcontrollerPort = 0;
+ req->I2CSpeed = I2C_SPEED_FAST_400K;
+ req->SlaveAddress = slave << 1; /* 8 bit addresses */
+ req->NumCmds = bytes_to_transfer;
- return ret;
+ remaining_bytes = bytes_to_transfer;
+ c = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+ struct i2c_msg *msg = &msgs[i];
-static int arcturus_i2c_write_data(struct i2c_adapter *control,
- uint8_t address,
- uint8_t *data,
- uint32_t numbytes)
- uint32_t ret;
- SwI2cRequest_t req;
- struct amdgpu_device *adev = to_amdgpu_device(control);
+ msg_bytes = min(msg->len, remaining_bytes);
+ for (j = 0; j < msg_bytes; j++) {
+ SwI2cCmd_t *cmd = &req->SwI2cCmds[c++];
- if (numbytes > MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS) {
- dev_err(adev->dev, "numbytes requested %d is over max allowed %d\n",
- numbytes, MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS);
- return -EINVAL;
+ remaining_bytes--;
+ if (!(msg[i].flags & I2C_M_RD)) {
+ /* write */
+ cmd->CmdConfig |= I2C_CMD_WRITE;
+ cmd->RegisterAddr = msg->buf[j];
+ }
+ if ((msg[i].flags & I2C_M_STOP) ||
+ (!remaining_bytes))
+ cmd->CmdConfig |= CMDCONFIG_STOP_MASK;
+ if ((i > 0) && !(msg[i].flags & I2C_M_NOSTART))
+ cmd->CmdConfig |= CMDCONFIG_RESTART_BIT;
+ }
- memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req));
- arcturus_fill_i2c_req(&req, true, address, numbytes, data);
- ret = smu_cmn_update_table(&adev->smu, SMU_TABLE_I2C_COMMANDS, 0, &req, true);
+ r = smu_cmn_update_table(&adev->smu, SMU_TABLE_I2C_COMMANDS, 0, req, true);
+ if (r)
+ goto fail;
- if (!ret) {
- dev_dbg(adev->dev, "arcturus_i2c_write(), address = %x, bytes = %d , data: ",
- (uint16_t)address, numbytes);
- print_hex_dump(KERN_DEBUG, "data: ", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE,
- 8, 1, data, numbytes, false);
- /*
- * According to EEPROM spec there is a MAX of 10 ms required for
- * EEPROM to flush internal RX buffer after STOP was issued at the
- * end of write transaction. During this time the EEPROM will not be
- * responsive to any more commands - so wait a bit more.
- */
- msleep(10);
- } else
- dev_err(adev->dev, "arcturus_i2c_write- error occurred :%x", ret);
- return ret;
-static int arcturus_i2c_xfer(struct i2c_adapter *i2c_adap,
- struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num)
- uint32_t i, j, ret, data_size, data_chunk_size, next_eeprom_addr = 0;
- uint8_t *data_ptr, data_chunk[MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS] = { 0 };
+ remaining_bytes = bytes_to_transfer;
+ c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- /*
- * SMU interface allows at most MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS bytes of data at
- * once and hence the data needs to be spliced into chunks and sent each
- * chunk separately
- */
- data_size = msgs[i].len - 2;
- data_chunk_size = MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS - 2;
- next_eeprom_addr = (msgs[i].buf[0] << 8 & 0xff00) | (msgs[i].buf[1] & 0xff);
- data_ptr = msgs[i].buf + 2;
- for (j = 0; j < data_size / data_chunk_size; j++) {
- /* Insert the EEPROM dest addess, bits 0-15 */
- data_chunk[0] = ((next_eeprom_addr >> 8) & 0xff);
- data_chunk[1] = (next_eeprom_addr & 0xff);
+ struct i2c_msg *msg = &msgs[i];
- if (msgs[i].flags & I2C_M_RD) {
- ret = arcturus_i2c_read_data(i2c_adap,
- (uint8_t)msgs[i].addr,
- data_chunk, MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS);
+ msg_bytes = min(msg->len, remaining_bytes);
+ for (j = 0; j < msg_bytes; j++) {
+ SwI2cCmd_t *cmd = &res->SwI2cCmds[c++];
- memcpy(data_ptr, data_chunk + 2, data_chunk_size);
- } else {
- memcpy(data_chunk + 2, data_ptr, data_chunk_size);
- ret = arcturus_i2c_write_data(i2c_adap,
- (uint8_t)msgs[i].addr,
- data_chunk, MAX_SW_I2C_COMMANDS);
- }
- if (ret) {
- num = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
- next_eeprom_addr += data_chunk_size;
- data_ptr += data_chunk_size;
- }
- if (data_size % data_chunk_size) {
- data_chunk[0] = ((next_eeprom_addr >> 8) & 0xff);
- data_chunk[1] = (next_eeprom_addr & 0xff);
- if (msgs[i].flags & I2C_M_RD) {
- ret = arcturus_i2c_read_data(i2c_adap,
- (uint8_t)msgs[i].addr,
- data_chunk, (data_size % data_chunk_size) + 2);
- memcpy(data_ptr, data_chunk + 2, data_size % data_chunk_size);
- } else {
- memcpy(data_chunk + 2, data_ptr, data_size % data_chunk_size);
- ret = arcturus_i2c_write_data(i2c_adap,
- (uint8_t)msgs[i].addr,
- data_chunk, (data_size % data_chunk_size) + 2);
- }
- if (ret) {
- num = -EIO;
- goto fail;
- }
+ remaining_bytes--;
+ if (msg[i].flags & I2C_M_RD)
+ msg->buf[j] = cmd->Data;
+ r = bytes_to_transfer;
- return num;
+ kfree(req);
+ return r;
static u32 arcturus_i2c_func(struct i2c_adapter *adap)