path: root/www-ssl/admin/dbUpdateFromXLS.php
diff options
authorPhilip Häusler <>2011-06-01 15:02:00 +0200
committerPhilip Häusler <>2011-06-01 15:02:00 +0200
commite050c0dc7f4c70b13596f8e940a31a9678bb3b52 (patch)
treece222f80b4c02d48c1990392627383f63a08a6e9 /www-ssl/admin/dbUpdateFromXLS.php
parenta537f4bf73101c467af3b01db32fcdb9fd0a91ce (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'www-ssl/admin/dbUpdateFromXLS.php')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/www-ssl/admin/dbUpdateFromXLS.php b/www-ssl/admin/dbUpdateFromXLS.php
index 9a329355..88879de7 100644
--- a/www-ssl/admin/dbUpdateFromXLS.php
+++ b/www-ssl/admin/dbUpdateFromXLS.php
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
+require_once ('../bootstrap.php');
$title = "DB Update from XML";
$header = "DB Update from XML";
-include ("../../../camp2011/includes/header.php");
-include ("../../../camp2011/includes/funktion_xml.php");
+include ("includes/header.php");
+include ("includes/funktion_xml.php");
// DEBUG //
@@ -14,27 +16,24 @@ $EnableSchudleFunctions = 1;
$EnableSchudle = 1;
$EnableSchudleDB = 1;
erstellt Arrays der Reume
-function CreateRoomArrays()
- global $Room, $RoomID, $RoomName, $con;
- $sql = "SELECT `RID`, `Name` FROM `Room` ".
- "WHERE `Show`='Y'".
- "ORDER BY `Number`, `Name`;";
- $Erg = mysql_query($sql, $con);
- $rowcount = mysql_num_rows($Erg);
- for ($i=0; $i<$rowcount; $i++)
- {
- $Room[$i]["RID"] = mysql_result($Erg, $i, "RID");
- $Room[$i]["Name"] = mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Name");
- $RoomID[ mysql_result($Erg, $i, "RID") ] = mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Name");
- $RoomName[ mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Name") ] = mysql_result($Erg, $i, "RID");
- }
+function CreateRoomArrays() {
+ global $Room, $RoomID, $RoomName, $con;
+ $sql = "SELECT `RID`, `Name` FROM `Room` " .
+ "WHERE `Show`='Y'" .
+ "ORDER BY `Number`, `Name`;";
+ $Erg = mysql_query($sql, $con);
+ $rowcount = mysql_num_rows($Erg);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $rowcount; $i++) {
+ $Room[$i]["RID"] = mysql_result($Erg, $i, "RID");
+ $Room[$i]["Name"] = mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Name");
+ $RoomID[mysql_result($Erg, $i, "RID")] = mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Name");
+ $RoomName[mysql_result($Erg, $i, "Name")] = mysql_result($Erg, $i, "RID");
+ }
@@ -42,252 +41,212 @@ CreateRoomArrays();
echo "\n\n<br />\n<h1>XML File:</h1>\n";
-if( isset($_POST["PentabarfUser"]) && isset($_POST["password"]) && isset($_POST["PentabarfURL"]))
- echo "Update XCAL-File from Pentabarf..";
- if($PentabarfGetWith=="fsockopen")
- {
- //backup error messeges and delate
- $Backuperror_messages = $error_messages;
- $fp = fsockopen( "ssl://$PentabarfXMLhost", 443, $errno, $errstr, 30);
-// $error_messages = $Backuperror_messages;
- if( !$fp)
- {
- echo "<h2>fail: File 'https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath". $_POST["PentabarfURL"]. "' not readable!".
- "[$errstr ($errno)]</h2>";
- }
- else
- {
- if( ($fileOut = fopen( "$Tempdir/engelXML", "w")) != FALSE)
- {
- $head = 'GET /'. $PentabarfXMLpath. $_POST["PentabarfURL"]. ' HTTP/1.1'."\r\n".
- 'Host: '. $PentabarfXMLhost. "\r\n".
- 'User-Agent: Engelsystem'. "\r\n".
- 'Authorization: Basic '.
- base64_encode($_POST["PentabarfUser"]. ':'. $_POST["password"])."\r\n".
- "\r\n";
- fputs( $fp, $head);
- $Zeilen = -1;
- while (!feof($fp))
- {
- $Temp= fgets($fp,1024);
- // ende des headers
- if( $Temp== "f20\r\n" )
- {
- $Zeilen = 0;
- $Temp="";
- }
- //file ende?
- if( $Temp=="0\r\n")
- break;
- if( ($Zeilen>-1) && ($Temp!="ffb\r\n") )
- {
- //steuerzeichen ausfiltern
- if( strpos( "#$Temp", "\r\n") > 0)
- $Temp = substr($Temp, 0, strlen($Temp)-2);
- if( strpos( "#$Temp", "1005") > 0)
- $Temp = "";
- if( strpos( "#$Temp", "783") > 0)
- $Temp = "";
- //schreiben in file
- fputs( $fileOut, $Temp);
- $Zeilen++;
- }
- }
- fclose( $fileOut);
- echo "<br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br />";
- }
- else
- echo "<h2>fail: File '$Tempdir/engelXML' not writeable!</h2>";
- fclose($fp);
- }
- }
- elseif($PentabarfGetWith=="fopen")
- {
- //user uns password in url einbauen
- $FileNameIn = "https://". $_POST["PentabarfUser"]. ':'. $_POST["password"]. "@".
- $PentabarfXMLhost. "/". $PentabarfXMLpath. $_POST["PentabarfURL"];
- if( ($fileIn = fopen( $FileNameIn, "r")) != FALSE)
- {
- if( ($fileOut = fopen( "$Tempdir/engelXML", "w")) != FALSE)
- {
- $Zeilen = 0;
- while (!feof($fileIn))
- {
- $Zeilen++;
- fputs( $fileOut, fgets( $fileIn));
- }
- fclose( $fileOut);
- echo "<br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br />";
- }
- else
- echo "<h2>fail: File '$Tempdir/engelXML' not writeable!</h2>";
- fclose( $fileIn);
- }
- else
- echo "<h2>fail: File 'https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath". $_POST["PentabarfURL"]. "' not readable!</h2>";
- }
- elseif( $PentabarfGetWith=="wget")
- {
- $Command = "wget --http-user=". $_POST["PentabarfUser"]. " --http-passwd=".$_POST["password"]. " ".
- "https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath". $_POST["PentabarfURL"].
- " --output-file=$Tempdir/engelXMLwgetLog --output-document=$Tempdir/engelXML".
- " --no-check-certificate";
- echo system( $Command, $Status);
- if( $Status==0)
- echo "OK.<br />";
- else
- echo "fail ($Status)($Command).<br />";
- }
- elseif( $PentabarfGetWith=="lynx")
- {
- $Command = "lynx -auth=". $_POST["PentabarfUser"]. ":".$_POST["password"]. " -dump ".
- "https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath". $_POST["PentabarfURL"]. " > $Tempdir/engelXML";
- echo system( $Command, $Status);
- if( $Status==0)
- echo "OK.<br />";
- else
- echo "fail ($Status)($Command).<br />";
- }
- elseif($PentabarfGetWith=="fopen")
- {
- //user uns password in url einbauen
- $FileNameIn = "https://". $_POST["PentabarfUser"]. ':'. $_POST["password"]. "@".
- $PentabarfXMLhost. "/". $PentabarfXMLpath. $_POST["PentabarfURL"];
- if( ($fileIn = fopen( $FileNameIn, "r")) != FALSE)
- {
- if( ($fileOut = fopen( "$Tempdir/engelXML", "w")) != FALSE)
- {
- $Zeilen = 0;
- while (!feof($fileIn))
- {
- $Zeilen++;
- fputs( $fileOut, fgets( $fileIn));
- }
- fclose( $fileOut);
- echo "<br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br />";
- }
- else
- echo "<h2>fail: File '$Tempdir/engelXML' not writeable!</h2>";
- fclose( $fileIn);
- }
- else
- echo "<h2>fail: File 'https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath". $_POST["PentabarfURL"]. "' not readable!</h2>";
- }
- elseif( $PentabarfGetWith=="wget")
- {
- $Command = "wget --http-user=". $_POST["PentabarfUser"]. " --http-passwd=".$_POST["password"]. " ".
- "https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath". $_POST["PentabarfURL"].
- " --output-file=$Tempdir/engelXMLwgetLog --output-document=$Tempdir/engelXML".
- " --no-check-certificate";
- echo system( $Command, $Status);
- if( $Status==0)
- echo "OK.<br />";
- else
- echo "fail ($Status)($Command).<br />";
- }
- elseif( $PentabarfGetWith=="lynx")
- {
- $Command = "lynx -auth=". $_POST["PentabarfUser"]. ":".$_POST["password"]. " -dump ".
- "https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath". $_POST["PentabarfURL"]. " > $Tempdir/engelXML";
- echo system( $Command, $Status);
- if( $Status==0)
- echo "OK.<br />";
- else
- echo "fail ($Status)($Command).<br />";
- }
- else
- echo "<h1>The PentabarfGetWith='$PentabarfGetWith' not supported</h1>";
- echo "<form action=\"dbUpdateFromXLS.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
- echo "<table border=\"0\">\n";
- echo "\t<tr><td>XCAL-File: https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath</td>".
- "<td><input name=\"PentabarfURL\" type=\"text\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"5\" ".
- "value=\"$PentabarfXMLEventID\"></td></tr>\n";
- echo "\t<tr><td>Username:</td>".
- "<td><input name=\"PentabarfUser\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n";
- echo "\t<tr><td>Password:</td>".
- "<td><input name=\"password\" type=\"password\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n";
- echo "\t<tr><td></td><td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"FileUpload\" value=\"upload\"></td></tr>\n";
- echo "</table>\n";
- echo "</form>\n";
+if (isset ($_POST["PentabarfUser"]) && isset ($_POST["password"]) && isset ($_POST["PentabarfURL"])) {
+ echo "Update XCAL-File from Pentabarf..";
+ if ($PentabarfGetWith == "fsockopen") {
+ //backup error messeges and delate
+ $Backuperror_messages = $error_messages;
+ $fp = fsockopen("ssl://$PentabarfXMLhost", 443, $errno, $errstr, 30);
+ // $error_messages = $Backuperror_messages;
+ if (!$fp) {
+ echo "<h2>fail: File 'https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath" . $_POST["PentabarfURL"] . "' not readable!" .
+ "[$errstr ($errno)]</h2>";
+ } else {
+ if (($fileOut = fopen("$Tempdir/engelXML", "w")) != FALSE) {
+ $head = 'GET /' . $PentabarfXMLpath . $_POST["PentabarfURL"] . ' HTTP/1.1' . "\r\n" .
+ 'Host: ' . $PentabarfXMLhost . "\r\n" .
+ 'User-Agent: Engelsystem' . "\r\n" .
+ 'Authorization: Basic ' .
+ base64_encode($_POST["PentabarfUser"] . ':' . $_POST["password"]) . "\r\n" .
+ "\r\n";
+ fputs($fp, $head);
+ $Zeilen = -1;
+ while (!feof($fp)) {
+ $Temp = fgets($fp, 1024);
+ // ende des headers
+ if ($Temp == "f20\r\n") {
+ $Zeilen = 0;
+ $Temp = "";
+ }
+ //file ende?
+ if ($Temp == "0\r\n")
+ break;
+ if (($Zeilen > -1) && ($Temp != "ffb\r\n")) {
+ //steuerzeichen ausfiltern
+ if (strpos("#$Temp", "\r\n") > 0)
+ $Temp = substr($Temp, 0, strlen($Temp) - 2);
+ if (strpos("#$Temp", "1005") > 0)
+ $Temp = "";
+ if (strpos("#$Temp", "783") > 0)
+ $Temp = "";
+ //schreiben in file
+ fputs($fileOut, $Temp);
+ $Zeilen++;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($fileOut);
+ echo "<br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br />";
+ } else
+ echo "<h2>fail: File '$Tempdir/engelXML' not writeable!</h2>";
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($PentabarfGetWith == "fopen") {
+ //user uns password in url einbauen
+ $FileNameIn = "https://" . $_POST["PentabarfUser"] . ':' . $_POST["password"] . "@" .
+ $PentabarfXMLhost . "/" . $PentabarfXMLpath . $_POST["PentabarfURL"];
+ if (($fileIn = fopen($FileNameIn, "r")) != FALSE) {
+ if (($fileOut = fopen("$Tempdir/engelXML", "w")) != FALSE) {
+ $Zeilen = 0;
+ while (!feof($fileIn)) {
+ $Zeilen++;
+ fputs($fileOut, fgets($fileIn));
+ }
+ fclose($fileOut);
+ echo "<br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br />";
+ } else
+ echo "<h2>fail: File '$Tempdir/engelXML' not writeable!</h2>";
+ fclose($fileIn);
+ } else
+ echo "<h2>fail: File 'https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath" . $_POST["PentabarfURL"] . "' not readable!</h2>";
+ }
+ elseif ($PentabarfGetWith == "wget") {
+ $Command = "wget --http-user=" . $_POST["PentabarfUser"] . " --http-passwd=" . $_POST["password"] . " " .
+ "https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath" . $_POST["PentabarfURL"] .
+ " --output-file=$Tempdir/engelXMLwgetLog --output-document=$Tempdir/engelXML" .
+ " --no-check-certificate";
+ echo system($Command, $Status);
+ if ($Status == 0)
+ echo "OK.<br />";
+ else
+ echo "fail ($Status)($Command).<br />";
+ }
+ elseif ($PentabarfGetWith == "lynx") {
+ $Command = "lynx -auth=" . $_POST["PentabarfUser"] . ":" . $_POST["password"] . " -dump " .
+ "https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath" . $_POST["PentabarfURL"] . " > $Tempdir/engelXML";
+ echo system($Command, $Status);
+ if ($Status == 0)
+ echo "OK.<br />";
+ else
+ echo "fail ($Status)($Command).<br />";
+ }
+ elseif ($PentabarfGetWith == "fopen") {
+ //user uns password in url einbauen
+ $FileNameIn = "https://" . $_POST["PentabarfUser"] . ':' . $_POST["password"] . "@" .
+ $PentabarfXMLhost . "/" . $PentabarfXMLpath . $_POST["PentabarfURL"];
+ if (($fileIn = fopen($FileNameIn, "r")) != FALSE) {
+ if (($fileOut = fopen("$Tempdir/engelXML", "w")) != FALSE) {
+ $Zeilen = 0;
+ while (!feof($fileIn)) {
+ $Zeilen++;
+ fputs($fileOut, fgets($fileIn));
+ }
+ fclose($fileOut);
+ echo "<br />Es wurden $Zeilen Zeilen eingelesen<br />";
+ } else
+ echo "<h2>fail: File '$Tempdir/engelXML' not writeable!</h2>";
+ fclose($fileIn);
+ } else
+ echo "<h2>fail: File 'https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath" . $_POST["PentabarfURL"] . "' not readable!</h2>";
+ }
+ elseif ($PentabarfGetWith == "wget") {
+ $Command = "wget --http-user=" . $_POST["PentabarfUser"] . " --http-passwd=" . $_POST["password"] . " " .
+ "https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath" . $_POST["PentabarfURL"] .
+ " --output-file=$Tempdir/engelXMLwgetLog --output-document=$Tempdir/engelXML" .
+ " --no-check-certificate";
+ echo system($Command, $Status);
+ if ($Status == 0)
+ echo "OK.<br />";
+ else
+ echo "fail ($Status)($Command).<br />";
+ }
+ elseif ($PentabarfGetWith == "lynx") {
+ $Command = "lynx -auth=" . $_POST["PentabarfUser"] . ":" . $_POST["password"] . " -dump " .
+ "https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath" . $_POST["PentabarfURL"] . " > $Tempdir/engelXML";
+ echo system($Command, $Status);
+ if ($Status == 0)
+ echo "OK.<br />";
+ else
+ echo "fail ($Status)($Command).<br />";
+ } else
+ echo "<h1>The PentabarfGetWith='$PentabarfGetWith' not supported</h1>";
+} else {
+ echo "<form action=\"dbUpdateFromXLS.php\" method=\"post\">\n";
+ echo "<table border=\"0\">\n";
+ echo "\t<tr><td>XCAL-File: https://$PentabarfXMLhost/$PentabarfXMLpath</td>" .
+ "<td><input name=\"PentabarfURL\" type=\"text\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"5\" " .
+ "value=\"$PentabarfXMLEventID\"></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "\t<tr><td>Username:</td>" .
+ "<td><input name=\"PentabarfUser\" type=\"text\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "\t<tr><td>Password:</td>" .
+ "<td><input name=\"password\" type=\"password\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"30\"></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "\t<tr><td></td><td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"FileUpload\" value=\"upload\"></td></tr>\n";
+ echo "</table>\n";
+ echo "</form>\n";
-if( readXMLfile("$Tempdir/engelXML") == 0)
-$XMLmain = getXMLsubPease( $XMLmain, "VCALENDAR");
-if( $ShowDataStrukture)
- echo "<pre><br />";
- echo $XMLmain->name;
- echo "<br />";
- print_r(array_values ($XMLmain->sub));
- echo "</pre>";
-echo "<br />";
-echo "$Feld#". $XMLmain->sub[$Feld]->name. "<br />";
-echo "$Feld#". $XMLmain->sub[$Feld]->sub;
-//print_r(array_values ($XMLmain->sub[$Feld]->sub));
-while(list($key, $value) = each($XMLmain->sub[$Feld]->sub))
- echo "?ID".$value->sub[1]->data. "=". $value->sub[2]->data. "\n";
-echo "</pre>";
- V e r s i o n
- ##############################################################################################*/
-echo "<hr>\n";
-$XMLrelease = getXMLsubPease( $XMLmain, "X-WR-CALDESC");
-echo "release: ". $XMLrelease->data. "<br />\n";
-//$XMLreleaseDate = getXMLsubPease( $XMLmain, "RELEASE-DATE");
-//echo "release date: ". $XMLreleaseDate->data. "<br />\n";
-echo "<hr>\n";
- V e r s i o n
- ##############################################################################################*/
-if( $EnableRoomFunctions)
- include("../../../camp2011/includes/funktion_xml_room.php");
-if( $EnableSchudleFunctions)
- include("../../../camp2011/includes/funktion_xml_schudle.php");
- U P D A T E A L L
- ##############################################################################################*/
-echo "\n\n<br />\n<h1>Update ALL:</h1>\n";
-echo "<form action=\"dbUpdateFromXLS.php\">\n";
-echo "\t<input type=\"submit\" name=\"UpdateALL\" value=\"now\">\n";
-echo "</form>\n";
+if (readXMLfile("$Tempdir/engelXML") == 0) {
+ $XMLmain = getXMLsubPease($XMLmain, "VCALENDAR");
+ if ($ShowDataStrukture) {
+ echo "<pre><br />";
+ echo $XMLmain->name;
+ echo "<br />";
+ print_r(array_values($XMLmain->sub));
+ echo "</pre>";
+ }
+ /*
+ echo "<br />";
+ $Feld=7;
+ echo "$Feld#". $XMLmain->sub[$Feld]->name. "<br />";
+ echo "$Feld#". $XMLmain->sub[$Feld]->sub;
+ //print_r(array_values ($XMLmain->sub[$Feld]->sub));
+ while(list($key, $value) = each($XMLmain->sub[$Feld]->sub))
+ echo "?ID".$value->sub[1]->data. "=". $value->sub[2]->data. "\n";
+ echo "</pre>";
+ */
+ /*##############################################################################################
+ V e r s i o n
+ ##############################################################################################*/
+ echo "<hr>\n";
+ $XMLrelease = getXMLsubPease($XMLmain, "X-WR-CALDESC");
+ echo "release: " . $XMLrelease->data . "<br />\n";
+ //$XMLreleaseDate = getXMLsubPease( $XMLmain, "RELEASE-DATE");
+ //echo "release date: ". $XMLreleaseDate->data. "<br />\n";
+ echo "<hr>\n";
+ /*##############################################################################################
+ V e r s i o n
+ ##############################################################################################*/
+ if ($EnableRoomFunctions)
+ include ("includes/funktion_xml_room.php");
+ if ($EnableSchudleFunctions)
+ include ("includes/funktion_xml_schudle.php");
+ /*##############################################################################################
+ U P D A T E A L L
+ ##############################################################################################*/
+ echo "\n\n<br />\n<h1>Update ALL:</h1>\n";
+ echo "<form action=\"dbUpdateFromXLS.php\">\n";
+ echo "\t<input type=\"submit\" name=\"UpdateALL\" value=\"now\">\n";
+ echo "</form>\n";
} //if XMLopenOOK
-include ("../../../camp2011/includes/footer.php");
+include ("includes/footer.php");