path: root/src/Config
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-04-25FormattingIgor Scheller
2018-10-30EventConfig: Merge event configuration from database to global configIgor Scheller
2018-09-09Merge remote-tracking branch 'MyIgel/templating'Igor Scheller
2018-08-29Added Twig template functionsIgor Scheller
2018-08-20Merge branch 'master' to 'rebuild-database'Igor Scheller
2018-08-12config: allow renaming of config.default.php to config.phpIgor Scheller
2018-01-14Added illuminate/support and Fluent Interface to ConfigIgor Scheller
2017-10-31Added service providersIgor Scheller
2017-08-31Implemented containerIgor Scheller
2017-01-21Refactoring: Config cleanup / moved to classIgor Scheller